Friday, July 29, 2011

The getting-to-know-you contest and giveaway

1. Because I never tell you enough how much I appreciate your comments.

2. Because the pasture is growing.

3. Because I haven't had a contest or giveaway here in who knows when.

4. Because the pasture is growing.

5. Because there are a whole bunch of new readers recently who I haven't met. Some of you leave comments and some of you don't (and that's totally cool and I get it and I appreciate you even though you choose to remain on the sidelines).

6. Because seven tenths of an inch of rain fell on the 7MSN this week.

7. Because the faithful readers of this blog are always looking out for me and sending me cool stuff. Like this jaw-dropping, freakin' amazing picture for which there is no background information, but that Sandra sent to me yesterday because she knew I had to see it. Holy moly, I wish I knew the story behind this.

8. Because it might rain again this weekend.

9. Because new reader Peggy directed me to a Groupon for a screaming deal on a gallery-wrapped photo canvas.

10. Because my hay supply might last a month or two longer because of this week's rain.

Yes, because of all of that, I am giving away a 16" x 20" gallery-wrapped photo canvas of the 7MSN image of your choice. Here's the deal:

Leave a comment on this post telling me and the other readers of this blog something about yourself to help us get to know you.
For example:
– I read your blog in my pajamas while drinking a mug of herbal tea.
– I live in Estonia and don't understand a thing you say but George and Alan are cute.
– I am a vegetarian who happens to like pigs.
Lurkers, this is a free pass to join the 7MSN community. You know you want to. Come on. Don't be shy. We don't bite. Well, except for Clara. She can be a litte aggressive when she's hungry. But I promise to keep her away from you.

One entry per person. No entries after 7 pm Mountain time on Monday, August 1. Winner will be chosen at random and announced Tuesday morning. If you post your comment anonymously, please include your name or initials in the comment so I can identify you if you win.

A 16" x 20" gallery-wrapped canvas from CaféPress of your favorite photograph from this blog. If you don't have a favorite or have no inclination to go searching for one, which I totally understand, you can let me know your favorite 7MSN character and I will offer up several options from which to choose.

Good luck!


  1. I read 7MSN blog first thing each morning and love each and every post ... guess it's the life I wish I could have!

  2. I check your site every morning...after I watch the news but before I get dressed. With coffee in hand and usually a smile on my face (unless I'm worried about something going on at your place,) you start my day. Thank you.

  3. I have been reading for several years. I rise and shine, make coffee, take vitamins, fire up the laptop and go down my list of blogs I read first thing! I have mourned the loss of Deets, Lyle, and Fergus, rejoiced in rain(we need some desperately. Told everyone not to whine too loudly back when it rained inches EVERY day), and love the stories. Hope you carry on for a long, long time!!

  4. okay okay I never comment but I do read every day! :) Yes, I'm one of those lurkers!

    -I like doing groundwork with my horse as much as I like riding him!
    -I've lived in a beach town for 4 years and this is the first year I've gone to the beach on a weekly basis. I actually live oceanfront for 2 of those years. ha ha!
    -Lucy is my favorite in your herd...but please don't tell the others! :) I think I'm a little biased though because she's the only female in the herd.

  5. I ought to be disqualified because I won a 7MSN mug a year or two ago. Regardless of that, I am commenting. :-)
    I'm at the other end of the country, in my nightgown, on my screen porch, with two poodles squabbling over one dish of half-eaten breakfast while the other sits untouched on the other side of my chair. (sigh)

    I *heart* that photograph. The little burro looks so completely happy to see the world from up there!

  6. I catch up on reading the blogs every morning while sucking down my tankard of coffee. Yours is almost always the first one I read because we're both up before the crack of dawn. I love it because there's never a dull moment and I want to be you when I grow up and live by myself out in the middle of nowhere. Your critters always crack me up.

  7. That is one awesome photograph! Although donkeys at war can never be good... Hello I'm Brigitte and... I was so inspired by Linda's photographs that I made a coffee table book of them. I sent her one copy and kept one for myself. It's my dream book. Oh and when "we" lost Deets I thought the 7 MSN ranch would never be the same. And Linda's titles and captions often make me laugh out loud. You have a gift for witty titles Linda. Ok, that's not much about me. I'm up in Quebec. There, ain't that fascinating :)

  8. Good Morning! I am an occasional commenter but mostly a lurker on your lovely blog but I always look forward to your posts. I live in Ft. Worth in the stinking city and long to move to the country. It seems I may never get there so until I do, I will enjoy visiting the 7MSN.

  9. Good morning 7MSN Ranch, my daily dose of donkey laughs !! I get up every morning here in SC and can hardly wait to see what is happening on the ranch.:) We finally got to move to the country after years of town living and it is exactly the place for me ! We have a couple horses, well, one (Blondie) is our son's horse and one (Dekota) is our daughter's, but we have custody, if ya know what I mean :) We just had 23 guinea's hatch out this week and are so excited cause we got about 4 totally white ones :) we have two dogs that are part of the family :) I love flower gardening and spend a lot of time caring for them. I drive a school bus during the school term so am off all summer, Yea!!! I also have learned to knit and sometimes I get it and sometimes I don't LOL I love being outside so the knitting will get more attention when the flowers are all dead :) We also ride motorcycles and I mentioned in one comment that someday I want to ride out to see the ranch and meet you in person...I am so entertained by all your animal family, thank you for bringing such joy into our lives all over the country !! Hope your day is absolutely perfect and the donkeys and all show you much love :) Please keep up the fabulous work !! one of your many fans !! Jeanne from SC

  10. Ok you got me to come out of lurkville. I read your blog of an evening in Australia while having a cuppa. I like to check and see all is ok at 7MSN before i head to bed. Take care all, love Wendy from Oz.

  11. Hi, Carson! I'm a 50-something teacher with 5 rescue horses. I got my first one when I was 54 years young! I always read your blog first thing in the morning, as I drink my coffee.

  12. I have stopped in before, off and on. You always do a beautiful job with your photography and have such sweet animals. Also, you are all over the place on favorite blog lists...figured it had to be for a good reason.

  13. I am Laura and I'm new to your blog and blogging, absolutely love your photos and enjoying the blogging community which I am slowly becoming a part of! :-)

  14. I'm in! Let's see.....

    I am a Cardigan Welsh Corgi fan and dog agility addict that found your blog thanks to Penni who also lives in New Mexico.

    I grew up riding horses all the time and love being around them, but unfortunately my live doesn't include any right now so I enjoy watching the antics of your little herd.

  15. Deborah in Atlanta7/29/11, 5:23 AM

    I read your post every morning with my cup of tea. I love your life and all the animals. At heart I am farmer from Nebraska who ended up living in a Condo in Atlanta (go figure). I enjoy reading about your and "the boys" adventures. But I love Lucy! Someday I will have the ability to do the same - I hope because I'm not getting any younger. Keep the stories and photos coming you and PW make my day. I live vicariously through you and her stores.

  16. I support my habit (3 horses) by teaching violin and viola students, and playing in a professional string quartet.

  17. Hi! I am a grandmother of three, the youngest (4) is a girl with Cystic Fibrosis.

    I am IT support at Ohio State University College of Law and my website full of free training opportunities is here

    I live in Columbus, OH and was a police officer for 20 years in El Paso, TX before moving here to spoil my grandkids.

    First thing when I get to work I read the 7MSN blog and get a lift for a day of dealing with technical problems. Thanks for your blog Linda.

  18. I read your blog every morning as soon as I open my computer at work. I am a major Hank fan.

  19. Emili Flodin7/29/11, 5:59 AM

    Oh goodness! Having been kept up all night from post surgery foot pain, all I've been doing is reading your blog and I got sly one night and figured out you post the next days blog sometime in the very early morning and since I am up anyway, I'm able to read the new news on the crew and go to sleep dreaming about burro air kisses :) Can't wait to do this fun little entry tomorrow when I've actually had some sleep. -Emili F-

  20. My dog has the same look in her eyes and stand up ears as smooch. Relatives?


  21. I am a retired librarian and my first job was driving a bookmobile. I know how to milk goats and can make a blanket from the sheep onward--all skills learned from books. I'm a New Englander living in the New Mexican desert and now think that rain is the most amazing thing ever. I, too, read your blog first thing every morning and think that this getting-to-know-you contest is a wonderful idea.

  22. Also a lurker! Also read this blog every morning with coffee mug in hand and my 10 mo old daughter playing on the floor in front of me. I was first introduced to your blog by Andrea at Mustang Saga. I own 4 mustangs and one pony mule. I love the burros, but so far don't have any plans to adopt one, so I live vicariously through your blog. I think some of my favorite posts are your reenactments (with illustrations) of happenings at the ranch, especially those involving Smooch. I have a Smooch-like dog and I can relate!

  23. Reading 7MSN is my morning ritual! My favorite in your herd? All of 'em..including "the girls".

  24. I work nights, so the first thing I do when I get home from work is check your blog. I love hearing about the adventures of 7msn and its inhabitants. Its really opened my eyes about long ears. Makes me want my own.
    Thank you and keep up the good work!

  25. Hi Carson: I live in a beautiful town that is right on the edge of Georgian Bay.My birthday present at age 60 was to learn to ride. I fell in love with Everett (he's a horse). I have dedicated one room in my little apartment just for horse things. Horse clock, horse pictures, horse trinkets. We have a beautiful place to compete called Cedar Run Horse Park. I just go there to enjoy the sights and sounds. Competition is beyond me at this moment. I love your blog. I arrive every day just to check in. It's an addiction. Best always, Sandra

  26. I'm a reluctant urbanite who vicariously lives where I want via this blog - except for the tarantulas.

  27. I'm a life-long animal lover living in Richmond VA with 2 dogs and 2 cats. My daughter told me about this blog and it's the start of each day. Sometimes she calls and we look at it "together" giggling and "awww"ing into the phone. I dream of meeting Linda (we like to call her "Carson", as if we are cowgirls too) and her dear family. I envy the women who have apeared on this blog, working alongside Carson!

  28. Hi. I'm Lisa in Maine. I read your blog several times a week. I've enjoyed reading of your many adventures and what it is like in New Mexico.

  29. I've been reading 7MSN for a couple years now, I live and work in NYC and have a passionate love for horses and will have them in my life one day. This blog keeps my dream alive. I read it every morning first thing when I get in the office.

  30. I read your blog every morning while in my pj's and eating breakfast:) I am totally in love with smooch and every other animal you have:)We have two very spoiled dogs at our house.

  31. I kick start my morning with your blog and love to see what is going on at the 7MSN. Your blog truly is my favorite!

  32. I read your blog every morning, almost first thing. I try to wait until coffee has brewed. Your blog adds to the whole coffee experience. I have a horse, two donkeys and a dog and can so relate to many of your posts and am always taken by your captions and incredible imagination. You make me laugh out load, cry, grin, chuckle, feel warm and fuzzy - sometimes all in the same blog. Keep it up!

  33. I read 7msn everyday for the joy of life your photos show. I live in the middle of alarge city and hate it becasue I really am a country girl. Your photos take me away. Thank you.

  34. I'm an a.m. 7MSN reader too, have close to a fetish for burros and chickens, and marvel that is almost always sunny in NM and hardly ever snows (unlike Bermtopia!)

  35. Right after I feed the baddogs and right before I get dressed for work, I check in on you. I revel in the rain, laugh at the antics of the residents, and worry if you don't post for a day or two.

  36. Congratulations on the rain greening everything up.
    About me: I was born in MIssouri, but got to Texas as fast as I could.

  37. I read your blog every day. I found it because I have 2 mini donks and love anything donkey. I also have a passion for Morgan horses and ride mine 3-4 times a week. AND I have a flock of 16 hens and one rooster, as well as 2 dogs. Add to that my love of photography and MSN is a great place to visit each morning while I slurp my Peet's French Roast. I so enjoy your little stories and I'm amazed how much time you put into each and every one.

  38. Your blog is the first one I read every morning when I get to work...I know, at work! I live in ND and my dream is to move somewhere warm, in the country so I can have a couple of my own donkeys. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  39. Just like everyone else ... I read your Blog every morning while having my coffee. I'm N. of you in Canon City, CO. I have no favorite when it comes to your animals ... I love them all and wish ... wish I could be younger, have acreage, have the finances available, so I could have all the critters I would love to have! At 68 next month, I just don't think all that's gonna happen! So I enjoy your critters plus some of the other blogs that contain donks in them! Thanks for all your great pics and witty quips! Love & Hugs!!

  40. Every morning while drinking my cup of tea the first thing I do is see whats going on at 7MSN. I'm so jealous of your animals. I want to move to Nowhere and get donkeys.

  41. I grew up in Ohio (the part with woods) with dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits (the eating kind), birds, get the idea. Today I live in suburban NC with a dog. I miss chickens, and thanks to MSN7 and Morning Bray, I have fallen in love with donkeys.

    I wonder if I might have been a donkey in a previous life, because I am short, roundish and stubborn, but I have lovely legs and dainty feet. :D

  42. I don't know how I found your blog but I'm so glad I did. My husband gave me a donkey for our 10 year wedding anniversary. I adore that sweet face and look forward to seeing your herd every day and hearing about them.

    Even though we kinda live in the country, I live thru you in the hopes of getting further away from it all.

    Thank you for sharing your "kids" with us!

  43. I am in England and have been reading your blog since friends in Boulder introduced me to it in April, also because I want a Donkey to carry on my back...

    (I lied about the carrying part, but what an amazing photo!)

  44. Good morning from dry, dusty Texas (Dallas area). Checking out the herd at MSN has been part of my morning routine for the better part of a year, and you all feel like family! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face with your great stories, photos and videos. Sandy TX

  45. This is the first blog I read in the morning. I have 5 horses and 3 cats.

  46. I am a daily reader from NE Oklahoma. I love the pictures and adventures that you and all your animals encounter. (some are sad though and make me cry right along with you) I always post anonymously because I can never remember my ID and password! I love your site and have one of your NM landscape shots as my desktop screen saver. One of my favorite recent posts is about the hay dude and the tour bus!! I still laugh out loud when I read it! Thanks for a great website!

  47. I started reading your blog because I love your photos and grew up in rural NM so can relate to a lot of your posts. I have fallen in love with donkeys and hope to add them to our menagerie when we finally manage to buy a ranch one day.

  48. I read every day and have for about a year and a half. One day, I'm going to go back to the start and read all of them!

    -I live and work near where you used to live and work.
    -I have Australian Cattle Dogs and one is a herder extraordinaire! We missed our lesson yesterday because of the heat. :-(
    -Someday I'm going to own some land and sheep...

    Cappy from MD

  49. I am a frequent reader and commenter on both your and MBF's blog. I love animals of all kinds, so you can see the allure.

    I have two cats, Tafy and Purcy, and frequent visitation rights to my parent's dog Shadow.

  50. I usually check 7MSN on my lunch hour or first thing in the morning. I prefer first thing in the morning because it starts my day off with a HUGE smile. Your comedic captions make me laugh out loud! I am from Pittsburgh and a diehard Steeler's fan. My goal is to move in the next 5 years to farmland so that I can have horses and donkeys! They are lots of work... I know, but worth the effort!

  51. As a "neighbor" (what is 50 miles) I dance under the same rain clouds that burst life. I grew up in Ohio and never dreamed that I would look at the rain clouds with such anticipation and celebrate the downpours with such joy. Dawn, Tijeras, NM

  52. I pull up your blog first thing every morning w/coffee in hand. My co-workers look at me like I'm crazy - sometimes I'm laughing, sometimes I'm crying... mostly laughing! I want to live your life.....Good luck everyone.

  53. Can I just chime in and say I am LOVING meeting all of you. This is a hoot!

  54. On weekdays, I pretend I'm at work early, working hard at entering production requests, but really I'm reading the blog!

  55. Reggie & Pete over at Critter Farm suggested I check out 7MSN Ranch and I've been checking in faithfully ever since. Usually I lurk - in part because Ceayte (C-A-T), likes to "help" me on my computer by sitting right in front of the keyboard. Your family makes my life sunnier even when here in the PNW the skies were a constant gray. Your pictures are beautiful and your models inspirational.

  56. I found your blog when looking for stories about women who had dumped the corporate gig. I loved it and the pictures, love the animals, cried when Lyle died. Oh.. and after 24 years I quit the corporate job and started working for myself 3 weeks ago. I went from corporate designing houses. It was always a passion, so I went back to school at night..and here I am super busy designing custom homes. Love it! Thanks for the inspiration! Lisa G. in Tennessee

  57. I'm a NM girl who moved to VA. I first found 7MSN through Stumble and fell in love with your shots of the NM sky that I love and miss so much. I normally check in on the ranch each morning with a cup of tea while I'm on a work call. I share my home with kids, dogs, a cat and bees. The girls (bees) don't come in the house except on special occasions. We've added a couple of hives to our suburban yard near DC.

    I've just started blogging about my sister at

  58. I am a lurker. I enjoy reading about Hank, George, Alan and Lucy. The stories and pictures crack me up. I am a great animal lover and wish I had the guts to do what you did and live out my dream.

  59. I'm from beautiful British Columbia, Canada, 6 miles north of the Idaho border. Carson I hold you personally responsible for my falling in love with donkeys, I check everyday to see what your herd is up to. I really miss Deets, he was one spectacular cat, and if I won I'd choose a photo of him.

  60. I'm guilty of lurking! I do read the blog each morning as I have my coffee. Love all the animals, but I'm a big fan of Smooch. I even made my dogs, Lucy and Rosie, the homemade Frosty Paws from your recipe. It was a HUGE hit! Kristen from KS

  61. Linda,

    I've been reading your blog for over a year, though I usually don't comment. I also usually read it before anything else, cause I love your photos, I love northern NM, and I love the story behind the 7MSN.

    I have cats, dogs, horses and cows, so I love your cast of characters and would have a hard time choosing 1 photo, or even one favorite subject.

  62. Hi, I read 7MSN every morning. i spent several years in New Mexico and love your pictures.

  63. I am from Suwanee, GA and spend half of each year in Pagosa Springs, I read your blog each morning with my first cup of coffee. I have one horse, three dogs and a siamese cat. I love your stories and photography. I admire your courage to drop out of the corporate world and follow your dreams.

  64. This is quite a gathering! I'm happy to join in the meet'n'greet, prize or no prize. This is a fun blog to visit, for the images and stories. I am a dabbler, a dreamer, and I like farms, animals, big skies, and stories. I like to visit when I can. Also, I am a new reader... a happy to have stumbled upon your ranch reader.

  65. I read your blog every day and love, love, love your critters. I also use your blog to try and convince my other half to let me get a burro. It hasn't worked yet but it will, I'm sure of it!!

  66. Like to catch up with the happenings at the ranch every morning (lurker I'm afraid :)
    I have had a horse most of my life - but got a donkey to keep my horse company. What a great move, couldn't live without my (now) three little donkeys.
    My favorite is Alan, but every one of the family is awesome.
    Thanks for Sharing. - Diana from PNW

  67. My alarm goes off between 5 and 6 each morning, and I am awake for the day after the first beep. I reach for my iPhone and read 7MSN before checking my email. This would shock anyone who understands the depths of my workaholism, but I am more likely to start the day smiling with 7SMN than with whatever the office has dreamt up overnight.

  68. PS: I get a wiggly feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever there is no 7MSN post.

  69. I have read your blog almost every day for 2 years. I love your herd abnd all therr antics. I am an artist married to my best friend 37years. I love to paint animals. I found your blog when I was looking around the internet for horse photos and I have been hooked ever since. I live in the suburbs of Arizona and enjoy the beauty of New Mexico and your herd thru your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing will all of us.

  70. Ok, I just left a nice little comment, written from my heart, and now BLOGGER decided, that even though I am signed in, that "I" Needed to create a blog! Like they don't know I already have one! LOL

    Anyway, I can't go a day without seeing what George, Alan and Lucy are up to, as well as all their coharts!

    I don't always comment because I have troubles with posting comments.......LOL

    Thank YOU for the entertainment!

  71. Carol in Colo7/29/11, 8:45 AM

    Linda, I read your blog everyday in my pjs with my coffee. I don't always respond because I don't know what to say. I always leave with either a smile on my face or in tears (Fergus, Lyle, Deets).

    I would love to know the story behind the soldier and the donkey.

    Glad you getting some of the rain and wishing you more.

  72. I think this would be only the 3rd comment I have ever left. I do read your blog every morning, not with tea, but with my latte.
    I started clicker training with my skittish yearling after reading about your experience.
    If we moved south, I would have to have a couple of BLM burros!

  73. well crap. This lurker has been unleashed!

    I am a certifiable crazy cat lady who uses kiddy swimming pools for cat boxes and is developing a "thing' for Lucy. In a "strictly friends" sort of way!

    PS hurrah for rain! We need it too in Vegas. Push it over my way...

  74. I went looking for New Mexico bloggers so, so long ago and there you were...been here ever since. I've laughed, cried, agreed and loved every post. You and your herd and because of you MBF are the last thing my grands and I do before we go out the door to school. You have a huge impact in me being able to wrangle my herdlet into line in time. And now there is no greater love in either of their lives than equines and dreaming of their own "open spaces" when they get grown. Thanks Carson. (psssst you also helped GK learn her state capitals...especially Nevada) The Olde Bagg, Linda

  75. Fun to follow along in Bakersfield, California.

  76. Hi, Linda! I am a long-time reader, long-time lurker. I read your blog every morning. Since I get up even earlier than you (!) it is not usually up before I go to work, so I often read it as a well-deserved break . I raise miniature donkeys, so the donks are of course my favorite! Lucy is just so darn cute I am afraid some day I'll wet my pants at work while reading about her! I am originally from eastern Oregon, so understand the joy 0.7 inches of rain can bring (I think it was required that we dance in the streets every time it rained!). I now live in North Carolina where pastures are usually green. I miss the desert, though, and love your pictures. They often make me homesick. Marty from NC

  77. I'm from the Canadian prairies, and read your blog every few days (when I can play catch - up). Your blog is one of the only horsie / non-fire blogs I follow, and love your pictures.

  78. Ok, I've been one of those behind the scene lurkers. Just found you several months ago when I started blogging and fell in love with your critters! Amazing amazing blog!

    Me, I just got a backyard of critters eating me out of house and home ... just call me Old Mother Hubbard!

    There's a children's book series here ... seriously!!!

  79. We live on acreage in the beautiful and challenging high desert of Oregon. Your blog has been a great source of grins for us here. And we will drive miles out of our way when headed to town to be able to pass by a field where a couple of favorite donkeys live. Someone down the hill from us recently got a donkey - we haven't spied it yet but we hear it singing the donkey song and we smile. Thanks for all the time you put into sharing your world with us!

  80. I read your blog in the morning before I study [I just took the bar exam this week-so lots of studying!], hopeful that in the very near future I can have my own place with critters!

  81. Oh Awesome!!

    I have been reading for a few months now and am not entirely a sideline reader, occasionally I comment. Lyle was my favorite character, and I miss him as Im sure you do too. But George and Hank are a pretty close tie now. I love your photography and your funny use of words. But I guess this still doesnt describe me, really.

    I have a paint, you can follow us at, and because of your blog, I have a real interest in getting a miniature donkey as a companion for my paint Milo when he comes home.

    Guess thats enough...for now. :P

  82. I live in Michigan and love reading about the adventures of the 7MSN ranch and looking at your photos of New Mexico.

  83. Your blog is usually the first thing I read in the morning and I am living vicariously thru you and maybe some dday I will be brave like you and leave the east coast ( Martha's Vineyard ) and move west and have all the critters I want before its too late! Love your blog!!!!

  84. I read your blog because I love to hear about your animals. I really love Wynonna. I rarely comment, but I read it every day!
    We have chickens and a large backyard garden in Portland, OR...but I have a rather big affinity for the desert. One day I will have some property, a little farm and a couple horses!

  85. 1. Daily reader and (technically) not a lurker as I've left one or two comments. Often 10 minutes late to work due to 7MSN...

    2. A vegetarian who likes, make that loves, pigs

    3. An (ex) graphic designer, who took off to parts unknown from the big city and am now creating a one woman farmette, on the equally beautiful but oppressively humid SE coast

    4. Am owned by a gelding who believes himself to be (nearly) as handsome as Hank

    5. Said gelding will one day have a long eared companion due in large part to the supreme likability of George, Alan and Lucy

    6. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  86. Long time reader. I read every morning, while the dogs nap after their breakfast. I wear a 7MSN cap while mowing our small city lawn .


  87. I am a farm-daughter of a dairy farmer in Vermont, the 5th and final generation. I miss that life and so come to visit your wonderful ranch to get my fill of farm animal humor and activity. I am so excited about your rain fall!

    Thank you for your wonderful photos and writing. A~

  88. I hope this doesn't post twice! I lost the first one.

    I am also from BC and love donkeys and mules and your photography! I live without access to internet so yours is a first thing when I get settled at work - read.

    I admire you for the huge life change you made and only wish I had the courage to make some little ones :)


  89. 9 out of 10 times your blog is what I start my day with, sometimes even before my first cup of coffee. It always starts my day of right. I work and volunteer at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, and I love it, I couldn't think of a better place to spend my time at. I love donkeys and I love the people that love donkeys. We are just a special breed ourself. :) Your donkey Alan is my favourite, because he reminds me of one of my favourite donkeys at the DSC, his name is Hershey!

  90. I love your blog!!! I stumbled across it via your hungry rancher woman chicken on Tasty Kitchen a couple weeks ago and I've been addicted ever since. :)

  91. I love your blog...I read it every morning drinking my coffee.....I am also mom to 2 mammoth Donkey's Ginger and Lilly (I agree Lucy is beautiful) I also have a mini donk Patches he is just a baby rescued from the slaughter pen. I also am mom to 7 potbelly pigs all rescues. So guess you could say we have a little bit in common...Thanks for making me laugh !! Erica

  92. I read this blog whenever I need a little "burro pick-me-up."

    I'm sitting on land in Sonoma counting the days until I can get some burros.

    I'm a fan of great photography who thinks all Western landscapes look just that much better with a burro or two in the foreground.

    And yes, for me, it's all about the burros!

  93. i am a 40+ stay at home mom from n.c. i read your blog everyday and live vicariously through idol! no, are a woman who wasn't afraid to follow her dream. i admire how you struck out on your own and acquired you own little nirvana. you know how to have fun and you know how to handle just about any emergency that comes along. your whole farmily is lucky to have you and so are we...(ok, is that enough sucking up to make me a winner? just kidding...we love you!)

  94. I read 7MSN every morning. I live in Portland but I grew up in New Mexico and your beautiful photos make me homesick. My husband and I just bought 92 acres in the country and we hope to own donkeys one day. We'll be sure and get rescue donkeys. Chickens, too! (Not that they have to be rescue chickens.)

  95. I read your blog everyday at my office. I check email, then eat breakfast at work ( I know, tough job).. Then I look to see what the gang is up too and get inspired by your photos. It seems to make work a little less stressful when I can tab over and see your wonderful photos. I live in the city but want to go back to being a country girl again.

  96. I open up your blog every morning when I get to work. My day isn't complete without as visit to see what you guys are up to. I live in Maryland and dream of the day when I can have a ranch like yours to call my very own!

  97. Mirlin --I was born and raised in the country and love it. Tried the city a couple of times but it wasn't for me. I love your site and love hearing about what goes on there. Thank you for letting me share your animals with you.

  98. gardengrrlkat7/29/11, 10:15 AM

    Good morning, Carson! Another lurker checking in...

    Over a year ago, my (now) husband emailed a link to me - some hilarious pics of Wynonna...I found your blog, loved your corp-escape live-your-dream story, read ALL your archives to catch up to current, and have been hooked ever since - you brighten my work day so much! I'm a 59 yr old newlywed who loves gardening, traveling, photography - your pics are amazing and your creative and laugh-out-loud captions just add to the fun of your blog. Thank you for sharing so much with us!


  100. I look forward to reading about what is going on at the 7MSN every morning. It has become the most important part of my morning routine. I cried at the loss of Lyle, Deets, Willy, and Fergus but have also laughed at Wyonna's, Lucy's, the boys', and of course the chickens antics. I am a Nevada native, have 2 Quarter Horses which were both rescued from the slaughter yard. Now I want to get a BLM burro. Thank you for letting us share your life.


  102. I'm a fairly new reader. I'm not sure how I stumbled on to your blog. When I did I went back almost 2 years to look at your amazing photos. I LOVE watching the antics of your family. I hadn't really been a donkey liker until I found you and now I can't wait for your next post of the cute donkey faces! I'm trying to figure out how I can smuggle a donkey or three on to my extended family's farm. I read your blog at home in bed and again at work. I just can't get enough!

  103. WHOA!!! YOU know how to bring out the BEST of everyone!!!It's good to get to know everyone! GOD Bless YOU and all YOUR critters! I'm a Breast cancer survivor drinking my green tea and was taking a break from posting on my Blog when I happened to make my LUCKY click of the mouse and it brought me here where all those animal angels live!! My pc is dead and I get on my daughter's school laptop! ShhHHHH! She will be going back to school soon soOOOOo I'm on the look-out for a new pc soOOOOOo I don't miss a thing!! Any suggestions what I should be buying? Is a Mac more expensive but worth the $$$$?!!Anyway, I LOVE all animals and I LOVE donkeys as a FAV and have this fantasy of visiting YOU and Morning Bray Farm and my vison is HUGGING all those SWEET donks, Hank and Smooch and sneezing too too much(I am highly allergic of all animals!;( Morning Bray Farm, Apifera Farm, Danni's and your Blogs are like a dose of medicine! I don't dare click on anymore or I wouldn't get a thing done in the house or outside! hehe Good Luck everyone!!! Thanks Linda for all the good times and the chuckles here! YOU do have a way with words! Happy Week-end everyone!

  104. I lurk, and read your blog every morning just down the road a ways in El Paso TX. I'll be leaving the SW in about a month to move to Arkansas. I will miss the wide-open skies, so please post lots of photos of them in the next few months! My favorite 7MSN photo is "Reunited."

  105. I went back to school 20+ years ago, to support my horse habit, and now work as a school counselor. Build my place up to breed Paints for a retirement business, but with the market totally outta whack, now I'm stuck with the "die-at-your-desk" retirement plan.
    Love the 7MSN!

  106. I read your blog EVERY morning on Google Reader. Love it, love it, love it. Yes, that makes me a lurker...

  107. I am a donkey lover. I love the nine donkeys that I have,and enjoy hearing about every one else's

  108. Your blog lifts my spirits above the ugly regular news of the day. Looking at your photos and stories about your family of furry and feathery critters renews my commitment to live each day in a most intentional way. Don't have any 4 hoofed pets, only a couple of cats, one who looks like Snapper (who apparently gets no billing on the credits on the 7MSN masthead) and I still miss Deets, the barn cat!.

  109. I'm Andy from WI. I'm a daily reader. I just came home from a fantastic ride in the woods with my horse, Hank.

  110. I read 7MSN when I get into work each morning.It livens up my cubicle. Joan in New York

  111. I was lucky enough to stubble across your blog last year (thank you google search) I am a daily reader and pine for the day when I can adopt two burros of my own :)
    I have recieved much from your blog, but the best thing has got to be the artisian bread!

  112. Your blog is the first thing I read each morning. After of course taking care of the animals. I rarely comment even though I've been reading about your gang for several years. Love your gang, couldn't pick a fav if I had to though.

  113. Having purchased 130 acres near Mountainair and while still living in Virginia, my wife found “The 7MSN Ranch” and began reading it regularly; that was 3 years ago. It gave us such a wonderful window through which to get a glimpse what we would enjoy when living in New Mexico.

    We're now living in Albuquerque and beginning the odyssey to build -our- place at Cerrito del Llano. Now it is I who looks forward to reading 7MSN, keeping up with the Ranch's citizens (and the weather there; I'm hoping that we get some of that rain soon, even 'tho like you we will have an impassable road for a couple of days.)

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful life.

  114. Another follower who doesn't comment much but respects your life choices, enjoys the fact that you think animals can talk and takes the time to show us the good parts about your life so we can live thru your pictures. You and the kids make me smile.

    I'm 62, walked away from the corporate world 15 years ago, semi retired from own business, volunteer local recloth store, have no real money but have never been this happy and content.

  115. I'm a total lurker, but I guess I'll take a minute to introduce myself. I'm an attorney living in the Pacific Northwest with a temperamental redheaded mare, two insane cats, and a fiance who makes up for the craziness of my animals. I love your blog and I love all your animals - George and Alan have made me want to adopt BLM burros of my own someday!

  116. Hi! My name is Alicia and I'm a lurker...:-) I catch up on your blog daily (usually at my seven week old's naptime, whenever that will be!) I can't remember how I found 7MSN but I know I stayed because Smooch is the doppelganger of my Sam!! I love the whole crew and can't wait to read everyday! (I'm going to e-mail a pic of Sam so you can see the resemblance. /its amazing that we live thousands of miles apart, we are in WV, and they can be so similar! They even act alike)

  117. Oooo-er, I like this idea a lot.

    - I love your animals and their personalities, but I also read this blog because I love your story, about how you did what most of us only dream of doing and went out to create your own sort of vast, dusty paradise far away from the petty concerns of a "normal" life.
    - If I ever drink a margarita, you will be able to take credit.
    - I even read your blog on days when I'm not allowed to waste time on the internet, because its benefit to my mental health is many times worth the time I spend reading.

    I think that's enough. This blog is still about you, after all ;)

  118. Hi! I'm from Minnesota, the land of 10,000+ lakes and the frozen nasty cold long lasting winter. I read 7MSN every day and love to hear about you and your sweet animals. I don't remember how I found you. I believe my sister gave me the link to you. I love your photography, your stories and especially love when your animals speak to us. I totally enjoy your blog.

  119. Hi! My real name is Janet. I'm from Ohio (soon to be your neighbor in Arizona) and I read your blog everyday. You have me wanting donkeys and I talk about them all of the time to anybody who will listen. Thanks for the inspiration!

  120. You've made me love burros, and the only thing keeping me from getting one, or two, or 10, is the fact that I can only afford to board my palomino boy.

  121. I live in a small, pets-not-allowed condo on the we(s)t coast of Canada. I read 7MSN because there are pictures of dry land and animals! ;p

  122. What fun! I'm a baby boomer and live in central Indiana. I've been reading the 7MSN for a couple of years at least and this is the first place I visit when I sign on. I especially enjoy the antics of the ambassadors of happiness, George and Allen, but I love all of them and lovingly hold Deets, Lyle, and Willie forever in my heart. I love how you decided to live the life you really wanted and make it happen every single day. I look forward to every adventure!

  123. I'm a country girl unhappily stuck in suburban Atlanta. The plan is to move to our rural property in SC in 2 years. We will have longears, hope to rescue a few. We have too many dogs (5), and three cats, all rescues or strays. How do they know to come to my house? I can obsessively. I read you while I'm supposed to be working and I love the inspiration I get from you and Morning Bray. Thanks for giving me a donkey fix while I'm preparing for our turn in the country.

  124. Well, I don't wear PJs, am not quite sure where Estonia actually is, and am nowhere near a vegetarian, but I do love your blog. I've ridden all my life and fell in love with donkeys at a friend's little Texas ranch, so your blog, with all it's wonderful animal pics, is one of my top five. I no longer ride due to arthritis, so soaking in the 7MSN critters is my emotional therapy.

  125. My name is Valerie and I live in beautiful Western Oregon, about 45 min. from the Pacific Ocean. I share my home with 2 rescued cats and 1 rescued dog and my rescued boyfriend (no, really.) A High School English/Social Studies teacher, in my fantasy life I'm a farmer who raises her own food and shares said fantasy farm with as many rescued critters as I can find. I used to ride and show horses but a nasty back injury prevents me from doing much more than watching from afar these days. I read many blogs, but yours I read first every morning.

  126. Carol in Colo7/29/11, 12:56 PM

    Boy do you have your work cut out for you with all the entries. Good luck and have fun reading them as I have.

    I really would like to know the back story of the soldier and donkey. The picture looks to be Vietnam era gear and helmets the soldiers are wearing.

  127. Let's see, I have been reading your blog for a while now~

    I envy you~ You are living the life I want. I know it's not a fun, you have put a ton of work, sweat, and tears into your place. But someday I am hoping to have a small place like you do and run it half as well as you do! Cause I don't think anyone could do as great of job as you do!


  128. I read every day, sometimes in pj, sometimes dressed, but the day isnt complete without a picture of those cute children of yours! Stuck in the city, Hank makes me miss the pinto I grew up with, such a pretty boy. Thanks for sharing your funny and interesting life with animal kids.

  129. I check your blog every morning instead of the news. I like reading about your herd, rather than the herd in DC. ;-)


  130. I used to live at the end of the canyon outside Sapello, about 3 hours from 7MSN, where I trained horses as air scenters for border patrol and police units all over the country.

    Then I moved to Arizona where I was a cowgirl on a 65,000 acre ranch for one season, and now I live in Minnesota and I work as a webmaster for Minnesota State Parks and Trails.

    I still ride most nights after work, and I occasionally still train police horses. Never worked with a donkey, but I did help train a mule for search and rescue work once. He was cute, but your donkeys are cuter!

  131. Hi, my name is Danni and I love donkeys and rolling in the dirt with them.
    I've been reading 7MSN, oh, since right around the time I moved to the country maybe a little over 3 years and it has enriched my world in so many wonderful (and unexpected) ways. :-)
    Love reading about all your readers, Carson - this is fun! ♥

  132. I read everyday but don't comment too much. I enjoy the pics and the sometimes crazy things that happen out your way.

    A few things about me:
    I'm equine obsessed, even though I can't afford to keep one.
    I'm into photography
    And I'm 114lbs lighter than I was this time last year, which has enabled me to be able to ride again!

  133. I live in green and humid Auckland, New Zealand and I dream of the desert and your beautiful landscape. You and your wonderful animals live my dream life (I actually love my life here - you live my alternate dream life - if that makes sense!). LOVE your blog!

  134. I love to read your blog about farting horses, discussing donkeys and a smacking pig while having my lunchbreak. Thats better than going to the canteen where people do the same.
    Just kidding!
    I enjoy this moments at 7MSN!

  135. I share all of your posts with my husband. We're still shocked over your mirror fire.

  136. I read your blog every morning while drinking my coffee. I have a fondness for longears (I have 2 donkeys of my own). I hope you keep the blog going for a long time. Really enjoy it! Kim from Wyoming

  137. Estella from Co.7/29/11, 2:57 PM

    What can I say, Linda, if it wasn't for your want ad I would never had known about 7MSN (what a sad thought). After reading all these comments my thoughts go to you and what enjoyment you give to people. It sounds like so many live their lives though you and the 7MSN. You truly give to so many daily, what a wonderful thing. I know I also get out of bed each morning and head to the 7MSN to start my day with a smile and most times a giggle. AND for me being able to see Lucy and what she is up to warms my heart. You are a lovely lady and please don't stop doing what you're doing for so many people. God bless you Give the kids a hug for me.

  138. Hi from New Zealand! I'm Sharon and I mostly lurk but this is one of my everyday must-read blogs. So the morning ritual is coffee/medications/breakfast/MSN/other blogs.

    Your photography is wonderful, and I love getting to see your bit of the world. Hugs to all on the ranch.

  139. I stop by the 7MSN at my central Washington kitchen table so I can keep up on the crew--it's amazing how I've grown to know them so well over the past year and a half, but that's because you do such a good job of capturing everyone's personalities! You inspired me to start my own blog and come out of the closet as a person whose heart and soul is enriched by my relationship with animals.

    My teenaged twin sons loved your snake vs. trailer hitch post, since we're out in snake country as well. (And P.S...I still think about and miss Deets, too...what a great cat.) Thank you for sharing your remuda with all of us.

  140. Long time lurker. Love the site and our dog loves the ice cream recipe!

  141. I read your blog every day in the evening after work, usually in my sweats. This is the one and only blog that do not ever skip. You always make me laugh, and I live near Cleveland, so I need the laughs. I am living vicariously through you! I was supposed to be born a cowgirl, but my parents messed up somewhere.

  142. I have to reply
    1. Because I'm another lurker/sometimes-poster/now-and-then-emailer.
    2. Because I have a hubby, two cats(a low for us),one horse, and am way overloaded with wildlife,in Middle Tennessee and wish I could share their too-much-pasture with you.
    3. Because I admire your humor, your photography, your herd (and I still miss Deets), and especially your self-reliance, and wish I could be as brave as you are!
    4. Because I can't say whose pic I would want the most, (but Smooch reminds me of my first dog.) any picture you take would be a thrill.
    5. Because I can't start my day without you, my coffee and my yogurt.
    6. Because quite often my desktop image is "borrowed" for personal use only and makes me smile.
    7. And because I actually startled hubby the other day when he turned on this 'puter and came face to face with Eugenia! ~lol~
    (the eugenia2.jpg)
    Best wishes from Rutherford County, TN. ~Auntie Em~

  143. something about me: I did not realize how much I loved animals until I got married at 30 and my husband had a dog and cat. My allergies and asthma were pretty bad and they did not have good medicine for that back then.

    I, too, read your blog in my PJ's... but just with a glass of wine in my hand :) (yes, it is at night....)

  144. I live in a little tourist town in SW MO, we visited family in Bernalillo in 2008 & LOVE that area! Ran across your blog & I love reading it....makes me feel like I'm back there!

    And LOVE reading the antics of your 'ranch hands'!

  145. Occasional commenter, daily reader here. I'm late to the party but that is because I don't get to check in on the 7MSN till the evening when I come home from my job as a nurse practitioner in a Cardiology practice. California native, now living in Appalachian Kentucky, in the Daniel Boone National Forest. Two dogs in the house, an old big lab and a young little pound puppy, and a few goldfish. I admire your independence and am so grateful for all you share with us!

  146. I guess I could sing "the best part of waking up is Folgers in my cup and a blog called 7MSN. I'm in Tn and usually read you every morn with a dog on each side waiting for a bite of a bagel. I tell 7MSN stories and direct friends to your site. My favorite times are when my granddaughter spends the night and she gets up early and we have to explore all through your site. She has to see every Wynonna picture. I am enjoying your riding stories. I ride a Tennessee Walker and often ride off by myself. Hope you keep the stories coming.

  147. I read your blog first thing in the morning when I get to work! I makes my day!!


  148. I love reading your blog! I love your life. And you inspired me. My fiance and I are getting married next summer and because of you were are definitly going to rescue two burros from a roundup somewhere out West and bring them back to Ohio with us to join our two horses. I am so excited and just know they are going to have a great personality like your George and Alan! Thank you for make me smile whenever you write a blog!

    P.S. I am also a photographer, which makes me appreciate your blog so much more!!! I would love a canvas of ANY of your gorgeous shots!

    Thank you for the chance,


  149. I loved reading these comments :) Your post was so funny! Wondering the story behind that picture myself...
    As for something about me, pshaw, we're old friends! What don't you know about me? lol I get my 7MSN fix every day like everyone else :) It's been a blast watching this blog grow and grow and seeing your adventures out there.

  150. I'm a faithful lurker and I used to start my day with 7MSN. I've been away for awhile and am so glad to be hanging out again. When I drive the byways, I find that my eyes are constantly seeing burros in the pastures. There never used to be a single one in the entire state. Now they're everywhere. ^_~

  151. I am from NC Washington State ~ much of the area where you live resembles where I grew up.

    I come for the pictures, the humor (you always make me laugh), Hank, Alan, George, Lucy (my moms name is Luci), Wynonna, and the girls...and everything in between.

    Mostly I'm here in the morning with my coffee ~ good way to wake up.

    ((hugs)) and keep it up ~


  152. I catch up with you every morning when I get off work at 2:30. I love your humor and keeping track of your goings on. While I really like the donkeys, Hank has my heart.

  153. I think this is the first time I have commented but have been lurking for the past 2 or 3 years and just love your life in the country with your animals. I live in the city so can't have horses but my granddaughter is planning to start riding lessons soon and told her I would buy her a horse if she stays with it. I was raised on a farm here in Texas so grew up with cows and horses and want to ride a horse so bad. I read your blog first thing in the morning and love it! And I envy your life!

  154. I am from the Finger Lake area of western New York. I try to read it before going to work each morning. I never stop at just reading that days post,always have to read a previous post. Your stories and images always put a smile on my face.

  155. I am the 5th generation of my family to live on an 80 acre farm in the Central Valley of California. I truly understand all the work it takes to maintain animals by yourself. And a truck. And a trailer. Used to trail ride my Tennessee Walkers, have raised and shown poultry, have had Queensland Heelers. I would rather read about your work than do my own. And I really envy your photographic skills.

  156. -I read 7MSN nearly every night, and I'm excited when I miss a night or two... it means more 7MSN fun all in one night! :D
    -I've worked in Animal Rescue, as a Vet Tech, and as a Groomer. They are all amazingly rewarding, but they all suck, because in each aspect of working with animals you see the utter neglect. From abuse in rescue, to out of control tumors/infections as a vet tech, to matted messes with eyes goobered shut as a groomer.
    -I train my dog at least 1 hour EVERY DAY, in Schutzhund. He's a Dutch Shepherd, and is the smartest dog I've ever met.
    -I'm a (very) amature photographer, and I envy how well you edit/touch up your photos. I haven't taken the time to learn, but I SHOULD.

  157. OK, I'll play...

    Unlike seemingly everyone else here, I don't drink coffee and I rarely read your blog in the morning. (I read it in the evening, or late late at night.)

    I cried my eyes out over Lyle and I still miss Deets terribly.

    You have inspired in me a real love for donkeys. I'm lucky enough to live close to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada- I went there and bought a t-shirt that says "I believe in Donkeys" :)

  158. cause you teach me things and make me are a witty one.

    you've a special knack for getting great stories and pics..

  159. My name is Kira, and I read 7MSN in binges when I have access to high speed internet, because I live in the mountains with dial up internet and can't read at home.


  160. Wow, you have a lot of wonderful readers leaving comments!

    I love to read your blog. Because it makes me laugh (and sometimes cry, like when they were all hanging out in Lyle's stall), because it makes me homesick for New Mexico, and because I love all of your happy menagerie.

    I think I've commented here before, but mainly I'm a lurker. I enjoy your blog, probably more than any other, because of your positive attitude and of course all the cuteness you share through your photos. Keep up the Good Work!

  161. Woweee, look at all those comments! I've been reading your blog (a lot) and commenting (sometimes) for several years now. I really enjoy your posts and am amazed at how you continue to entertain us with your wonderful photos and brilliant dialogue. I live just a hill, or two, or more, over from you- about 20 miles East of Somewhere, on the green side (although not so much this summer) of the mountains, lol. My animal family contains four horses, two alpacas, two dogs, and a cat, all of whom I write about on my blog, FantastykVoyage.

  162. Love your photos and the clever things you say about your clan. I read your blog every night to end my day on a happy note! :)

  163. My blogging time is usually late in the evening (OR verrrry early in the morning) I'm usually sipping a Pepsi with Tucker curled up beside me in the chair.
    I read all your posts, but sometimes skip the video (my internet connection sometimes makes vids painfully slow to load)
    Usually I don't comment, although I have at times. I also have a donkey named George. (my George is a mini) He came with his name, and he knows it, and as a bonus its also my father-in-law's name lol

  164. I too enjoy a good donkey ride every now and then. But instead of "Lucy," this donkey's name is "Rosie." I read your blog every morning, but only comment on occasion. God forbid you ever stop blogging. My morning routine would be out the window!

  165. I generally read your blog first thing in the morning, followed by either heading out to Uni or to take care of my own little collection of pets. I used to have a chicken just like Clara ^_^ I sometimes like pretending that I have all the space you have and that the burros and horses are just hidden somewhere beyond the horizon and/or sheltering from the wind behind some bushes.

    Thanks for keeping us all up to date with your wonderful family :)

  166. Marge_in_Michigan7/30/11, 4:46 AM

    Can you feel my presence, Linda? I read your blog every morning, coffee cup in hand and nightgown on bod! Ha ha! I love your blog to the nth degree! You and your critters have made me laugh even on the days when I really don't feel like laughing!

  167. I have read this blog for so long. But I shamefully have been so slack on comments. In fact, you may not even remember me...but I sent you the little burro figurine I found while out thrifting!!

    I usually sit in the mornings and read and look at the wonderful pictures....a added bonus is when Pioneer woman has a contest and I find your photo there too.....IMO...always a winner!!

    I'd like to say hello to mom and dad too!!! Your daughter and "grandchildren" spread a lot of joy!!

    Have a marvelous day!!

  168. Morning routine. Out of bed and stumble over to my computer. Sit down, my two cats join me and curl up on the desk between my two arms, limiting movement. Have to move laptop a bit further way to accommodate them. First check email, and then your blog. No coffee.
    Live in Massachusetts where its hot and humid.

  169. You are such a part of my day! Read each morning while drinking my coffee. And if you suggest trying or doing anything I do it! Laugh and cry right along with you.

  170. The first time I read your blog was the day you offered a George and Alan calendar. I felt like I struck gold to get one. Calendars are my diary so I like to get good ones. I have to 'read' when I visit my dad (weekly) as the pictures don't load with my dial up internet at home. I too live in the sticks. CF from TX.

  171. Good grief!!! My post from yesterday, well didnot post. I have to get into the action here, specially since your mom and dad are reading the comments.
    I like to read your site every morning with my legalized stimulant (coffee) while I am wearing my PJ's. I need my daily dose of 7MSN along with my vitamins and morning yogart smoothie. I am a person who enjoys warm dry weather and sunshine and would like to one day winter in Arizona or NM. (I live in the great white north of Canada and I really DISLIKE the snow) May I come and visit with all of the 7MSN gang if I bring along lots of wine and watermelon??

  172. After the kids go to school and the house is quiet and my coffee and bagel are hot and steaming then it's time for me to enjoy spending time with you and all your critters!! I lived in AZ for 15 years before we moved back to Ontario Canada and boy do I miss my desert. See, now ya got me crying, and how on earth can I post if I can't see the keys!!!

    I have three kids (7, 12 and 16) and right now I have 2 horses and one pony (although that number is a flexible one as we have had a rescue or two come through) and two dogs and assorted wild things that make their home in my attic :(

    I can't express the joy your blog brings me, combining my favorite things: horses, donkeys, photography and that beautiful desert light and geography!!

    Thanks Linda for bringing so much joy to my morning. I love your burrito brothers and should you ever need to find them a new home I'm sure they would adjust real swell to life in Southwestern Ontario :D Lucy too, we don't discriminate, hee hee. And my kids LOVE all their 4 legged friends!

    Cheers, from your desert loving friend Lynn

  173. Hi Carson (and the 'rents!) My husband and I ride and hike our donkeys up in the beautiful forests of Oregon. Donkeys are the best for nice 'n calm strolls. So glad you found Lucy. Now you have to teach George & Alan to pony along :)

  174. I'm a North Dakota raised farm-girl, now living an awesome (well, usually it's awesome!) country life in the great state of Idaho. I read your blog for my first smile of every day.
    Thank you, for those smiles...

  175. I love reading about your longears. Your blog makes me want a riding donkey too!

  176. I'm one more early morning (usually) reader who starts off my day with a smile because of you and your kids -- your conversations are a hoot! I'm a New Englander but lived in ABQ for 3 years once upon a time and I treasure your photographs of the gorgeous NM landscape and skies. Thank you for being such a lovely warm spot in our lives, as Don Estorbo would say, dayeen dayoud!

  177. I've been reading your blog for some time now. Found you through MBF. I usually read in the am after my morning chores are done. The herd always comes first...right? :) I read every day, but don't always comment. I guess I'm sometimes intimidated by all the clever comments from your readers. I live in AZ with five horses, one mini donkey, one slightly neurotic mini schnauzer and a husband who travels frequently for work. I laugh out loud pretty much every time I read your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your animals, your photography and your witty commentary with all of us! I must say I cried when you lost Lyle and Deets. I'd have a tough time choosing a favorite member of your herd...I enjoy them all.

  178. Also a lurker! And have been lurking everyday for over a year now. I enjoy the peek into your life you allow all of us. Its a great escape from city life in a condo. I too dream of leaving urban life and being surrouonded by animals. I wouldn't mind skipping the tarantulas and snakes part though!

  179. I'm a loyal lurker/unrepentant addict in SC, over retirement age but still working. As soon as I get to my office, grab a cup and coffee, and boot up my computer, I check in with 7MSN. It's the way I guarantee a good start to my day and usually a chuckle or belly laugh or a moment of sweet connection with all the critters and the wide open country. I so enjoy your writing ability (especially how you've created "voices" to reflect each animals' personality)and the great photography, and I am daily grateful for your remarkable constancy. Keep on keepin'on! Linda E.

  180. I'm here every morning and comment every once in awhile. 7MSN is my cuppa coffee every morning.

    Let me count the ways I love 7MSN... each and every one of the residents -- no way I could pick a favorite.

    I love when blogs collide -- when bloggers visit you and visa versa.

    From Connecticut. Owned my childhood horse until he was put down at 32. Would love to rehab a horse when the time is right. For now we are very content with 2 labs that are Guiding Eyes for the Blind rejects.

  181. I live in West TN with 4 Tennessee Walking horses and 3 dogs. Having never traveled out West, I live vicariously though your photos and stories. I have learned the lay of the land around 7MSN, and especially love the stories and photos of your neighbors, visits to town, stories about roasting peppers and recommendations for western wear (those beautiful scarves!). I do miss Deets and Lyle and love your new mount. References to the "head of Ranch Security" also did not escape me since I am a BIG fan of Hank the Cowdog. Keep it coming! My day is not complete until I see what's happening on the ranch:)

  182. 1. found the 7 MSN Ranch via Don Estorbo's blog - now check both religiously
    2. I could take or leave animals until the age of 42 when a 2 lb. tabby left in a box by the side of the road scampered into my life/my heart and changed it forever
    3. I love 7 MSN so much I even checked the blog while on vacation. OK, I was in New York City and it was 5 million degrees so I needed a respite - and what did I see? Rain, and culverts, and happy wet critters!
    4. After careful consideration, my heart truly belongs to Smooch. Those ears! Those eyes! That watchfulness - ever vigilant...and a really cute name to boot..

  183. I started reading your blog a few months back. When I stumbled upon it, I quite literally stayed up all night reading about your ranch and your adventures and the Boys and Lucy, and I was intrigued by your training of Lyle and burst into tears when he crossed the rainbow bridge. I look forward to your new posts every day, love looking at your pictures, and love seeing the beauty (or dry dusty drabness) of New Mexico from your part of the world (I live in Colorado...but spend a lot of time in New Mexico)

    I've fallen in love with your Burros, and you have inspired me to look into Burro rescue, and I have talked to my husband about possibly, one day, when we have land, adopting some of our own, after extensive research.

    Thank you for allowing us to be part of your "virtual family".

  184. I've been reading this blog consistently for about 2 1/2 years now. I occasionally comment, but most often don't (it's usually been said, and better, by somebody else.) I live in the North Atlanta 'burbs and have some health issues which has made finding a job rather difficult. (tiny violin/ho-hum)Part of my daily ritual is reading 7MSN and MBF. I have always loved horses, but, thanks to your two blogs, have now expanded that love to the long-ears!!! Thank you so much for allowing me to share the love of such wonderful creatures :)

    I do have to share one proud moment, even though it starts with sadness...When Lyle died,you had the courage to share with us what you went through. Then the new posts began and we ALL wanted to get over the big lumps in our throats. Well, one day you posted a picture of Alan in all his shaggy goodness and I made an offhand remark that he reminded me of Moe from the 3 Stooges (actually I said Curly and then had to correct myself - quelle embarrassing!)WELLLLLLL the next day's post was......the picture of Alan next to Moe!!! You agreed with me!! You found my remark funny!! I MADE CARSON LAUGH!!!!!And I thought to myself "Every now and then I do something right."

  185. You know, I not really sure how long I've been reading your blog. Probably about a year & a half or so. I went looking for NM blogs & found you. We have moved fron Ca to Wa to Mt to Id & now are in Nv. Following the job. We plan to head to NM next.Anyway I read your blog every morning to get my daily laugh. We have 5 horse & 2 pony size dogs & I want Donkeys!!! So for now I share yours. Oh & I'm just a semi lucker! I know I've left a few comments somewhere on here!

  186. I read your blog everyday while my 6+ dogs are milling at my feet. I was a horse person long before I became a dog person and love seeing Hank and the burros on a daily basis... I miss the smell of hay and horse...

    PS - wish we could send you some of our rain we have had here in the Northeast.

  187. I mostly lurk, but your blog is one I visit as often as possible, although rarely at a specific time...but generally it is before or after feeding the cats or dogs, or before or after taking the dogs outside, or, well, you get the idea... :) I'm always drawn back to your blog whether for the amazing photography, the locale, your humor or your stories, the subjects of the photos, I'm not sure! LOL

  188. I'm a lurker. I'm a grandmother of three. I work from home on my computer and EVERY morning I turn on the computer, check my mail, and read you. I live in central NY, have traveled to the southwest and envy your ability to just pick up and do what makes you happy! Love all the kiddoes on your ranch, your fantastic photography, sense of the humorous, and ability to relate things that happen around there. Loved the tour bus/hay truck story!
    You are a ray of sunshine in everyone's life. Your parents must be very proud. Thanks for starting my days!

  189. I am reinventing my life from city to country at 57. A big part of my life now centers around my two BLM donkeys (Dusty Bottom and Isabelle Bottom), 3 dogs (Ellie, Oakley and Rooster), a canary named Roy, a hen named Honey and a rooster named Mr. Fox. I feel like I'm now living a life. Your photography grabs at me, your writing is a tremendous pleasure and to find another who celebrates life and shares like you do is my cup of tea! Thank you.

  190. I usually have the last post of the day! Unlike most of your readers, I'm unable to get on here in the morning and have to get everything taken care of after work before I can log on. I'm a HOT country gal. This stands for Heart of Texas, but right now it is just HOT and dry! I'm an animal lover and gardener. Y'all make me smile each day and inspire me to be a better photographer of the animals and nature that I love.

  191. Linda, I catch your blog before I fall asleep. When I first came across it, I spent 3 hours jumping from post to post, learning about your horses, burros, donkeys, dogs, cats, chickens, pig, and goat (did I get them all?) It's a time to 'get away' and enjoy life out there 7 miles south of nowhere. I'm an avid photographer and I drool all over myself seeing your pictures. Thank you for the inspiration!

  192. Love 7MSN and read it every are 1st on my blog list. My little granddaughter and I share your love for animals and we really enjoy your photography!

  193. I've had you in my 'favourites' for simply ages, but only remembered to check in now and then. I have FINALLY added you to my blog roll because every time I come here I enjoy it so much. So now I will be a regular.
    I'm on beautiful Vancouver Island on the west coast of BC, Canada. I love pot bellied piggies and donkeys (which is probably how I ended up here in the first place) and Very Old Dogs.
    I look forward to following you regularly now.

  194. Another long time lurker here form London England. I am a Parelli student of four years. I am owned by a TB x mare called Breeze and blog about her and my Parelli journey. I also share my life with two rescue Bull Terriers, a Patterjack, an Iguana, Royal Python and a tank full of fish. I just love reading your blog first thing in the morning over coffee and toast. Your donkeys are just marvelous x

  195. Hi, my name is Lee and I live in Southern NJ. I have been reading for quite awhile now. My two dogs sit next to me as I do each morning. For some reason I have a problem posting comments so I don't very often. Thanks for sharing your ranch and animals, they are loved by so many.

  196. My name is Mary, I live in the soggy Pacific Northwest. Desert life is truly fascinating to me, hard for me to even put my head around how dry it can get. I usually have to get a glass of water when I'm finished with your stories... I so enjoy reading about the goings on at the 7MSN. What I try to do is save up and read your blogs on the week-end, sometimes, however, I can't wait that long and take "sneek peeks". My dog Fred is always sitting next to me when I read, I laugh and giggle out loud, it confuses him. I really love Georges' lips,...what's up with that? I actually bought a new computer monitor so I could get the real effect of your photos. Yes, I'm a fan of the 7 MSN!

  197. I've only been reading your blog for about a month and have gone back to many of the post and am just really enjoying it. I live in Reno, NV and loved the rattlesnake posts. We too have rs and am so glad that you don't kill them. My horse died in March and although, I still ride my friend's horse I love to read the horse blogs as it helpe me get my horse fix. I also have chickens and dogs and really enjoy reading about others who love their animals and ourdoorsy life as much as I do. Thanks so much for sharing your every day experiences. Betsy

  198. Oops! I am the anonymous poster from NE Oklahoma and I didn't leave my name to be identified. Boy, now you must think I am a real airhead! Can't follow directions and can't remember my password and ID. :)

    Sydney from NE Oklahoma

  199. Just love your blog and I've been reading every morning in pj's with my first cup of coffee for about two years.
    I live right here in NM just down South with my husband,son and daughter. We have four horses,five cats and four dogs. However not enough for my daughter she wants a donkey soooo bad. I'm hoping reading your blog everyday will be enough.
    Keep up the great job you're doing and Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  200. Northern AB gal7/31/11, 4:31 PM

    Didn't have internet access for two days and look what I've missed. Like a lot of your readers, 7MSN blog and coffee start every day for me. Admire your courage and tenacity for doing what you do - there are lot of times that I wish I had just a little of your gutsiness (is that even a word???) Not sure how I found your blog but I'm not leaving any time soon.
    Thanks for what you do.
