Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wynonna's big adventure, the video version

Wynonna's big adventure to the vet went off without a hitch. Getting her into the truck was relatively easy, 
she traveled quietly, and she was most cooperative on the exam table (anesthesia is a wonderful thing).

Within seconds of opening Wynonna's mouth, the vet said, "There's your problem." 
It was that obvious, and that simple to fix. 

Herewith, Exhibits A, B, and C:
These are tartar deposits that, in the course of 16 years, formed caps over three of Wynonna's back teeth. The two caps with arrows pointing to them are upside down. Look closely and you will see that the arrows are pointing to a hollow - the hollow is the impression of the tooth. The vet suspects that Exhibit D must have popped off on its own a few days ago – that's when the squeaking stopped. Apparently the squeaking started when one the caps got big enough to rub up against its opposite number.

Once the vet got the caps removed, he gave her hooves a very thorough trimming, told me she was at a good weight, and that she was the oldest pot-bellied pig he'd ever treated. I told him he'd see us again same time next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, now that I know I can get her there and back without incident.

Here's a little movie from the big day. Don't be alarmed when you see Wynonna looking lifeless, with her tongue lolling about. She's fine – really! And she asked me to thank you all for your concern.


  1. Wow, what an experience for Wynonna and you too! Glad she's getting back to her old normal self.

  2. She IS a good pig (most of the time...) I'm glad she is doing well and is healthy!

  3. You know, this video probably isn't all that different from me going to the periodontist!! (thankfully husband does not take his camera when he drives me there!)

    Wow re: the tartar caps - she has got to feel better with those removed!

    Glad she is home and getting back to her regular princess routine.

  4. That looks easier than I thought it would be. Glad it was nothing serious. A pig's day out with a tooth cleaning and a manicure, all in all not such a bad day except for the buzz she got from the drugs. Good girl Wynonna.

  5. So glad it was a successful trip to the Vet. You are the BEST pot belly pig Mama I've ever known :)

    The only thing better than the filming was the music !

  6. I hope Ms piggy the porky princess is back to oinking soon eh ;p.....

  7. I've never met a pig before...Wynonna has totally taken up residence in my heart forever...How can one love a pig they've never touched, smelled, or talked to in person??? I'm so relieved that she is treated for her squeaking and pedicured, and back in her familiar surroundings with smiling, concerned faces all around her. I know she feels the love...but please give her a scritch and a smooch from me! Love, love, love your baby pig...

  8. Oh good all is well with Wynonna. I'm so glad you got her teeth fixed. I'm booking an appointment with the dentist. Thanks for that!
    Best always,

  9. Oh, thanks for such a great 'report' of the big day. When I listened to the squeaking in your earlier video, it did remind me of teeth grinding together. That was some tartar buildup! Wow!
    She is so cute. I love the way hay collects on top of her snout - a clever disguise!

  10. OH yeah Horses get these too, I had to have my departed Sundance's teeth "floated",they take a tooth rasp and rub over the back teeth and rasp them off!! Hope Wynonna is no worse for wear...she sure looks peaceful sleeping there--Hope she feels better today!!!

  11. I'm so glad it was 'caps' and not that they had to pull teeth! I can't believe how easy it went. My neighbor has a ppb, and I'm quite sure he would have screamed all the way to the vet.
    Congratulations on a successful journey.

  12. she is so adorable, poor thing all wobbely after waking up... but so much better for her visit :)

  13. Are you willing to share the name of your vet?


  14. ok, that is disgusting!! poor little thing with all that tartar. I'm glad you are such a good mommy and took her anyway!

    the video was hysterical: I laughed my head off :)

    enjoy your squeak free pig and now you can put tht WD-40 back away

  15. Great report for Wynonna :). What a relief that it was only tartar caps ... no surgery required. Guess your farrier doesn't do pigs? So this was good timing for the piggy-pedi-cure. Since she was only awake for the drive to the vet, and woke up at home, it hopefully doesn't leave any bad memories/experiences.

    M in NC

  16. So glad it was an 'easy' fix and nothing more serious and while I loath to laugh at Princess Wy's expense. It did give me a giggle this morning.


  17. kkk, Dr. McCallister in Bosque Farms is Wynonna's vet - we think he's great.

  18. Carol in Colorado2/26/12, 8:40 AM

    I am so happy the Porcupine Princess's squeak has been resolved. She deserves an extra treat today for all she went through yesterday. It was funny to watch her drunk walking. Hope she is back on her feet today. Love you Wynonna!!

  19. Isn't that how everyone gets carried out of the dentist office? Wha? No??

  20. Poor baaabeeeey...she was such a trooper..hope she is doing better every day! Hogs and kishes Wynonna!

  21. I think you need to submit that film to the Academy of Motion Pictures as a Nominee for Best Short Film -- "The Squeaking Pig" -loved it!

  22. I'm glad things went so smoothly...I think Wy might be my favorite star at the 7MSN Ranch...

  23. Great video - thank you for that; you make taking a pig to the vet look so easy! Interesting about the tartar caps - I don't think I've ever run into that, and your photos of them sure demonstrate how problematic they could be. Short of brushing her teeth daily (ha ha - now that I gotta see!), did the vet suggest anything to prevent them from re-forming?

  24. Such a good Momma you are.

  25. Took me a while to get Vimeo to work for me (as usual)...but it was worth the trouble. Loved it!! Glad she's back to her normal, cute self!

  26. What a relief for both of you! I wonder if they make a livestock version of Dentistix?

  27. So glad to read Wynonna's squeek was due to something so easy to fix. She was lucky the tarter could be removed without taking out the tooth.

  28. I had no idea teeth would form tarter caps if left unbrushed for 16 years. Very interesting!

    I'm glad all is well and she's back to being her cute spunky self again. (Did she get a sticker and a new toothbrush?)

  29. Fascinating!!! Now I'm going to go floss my teeth.

    Nancy in Iowa

  30. I'm so glad Wynonna came through this ordeal with no serious complications. It's worrisome to take a senior citizen animal to the vet. I wonder how old she'd be in human years. It's great that no teeth had to be pulled. Great video, as usual, and I love the song. It would be interesting to watch you do a search for an appropriate song for one of your videos. For this did you search for a dentist song? A pig song?

  31. Awwww. I'm so glad. She's such a calm, gentle soul. And it's great that you know how easy it is to get here there. Loved the music with your video, too. You take such good care of your friends.

  32. Poor little piggie girl. I'm so glad she's home and doing well.

  33. Great song! Video, wonderful, of course. Glad she is well! Good job, herd boss!

  34. I think Wynonna must be the luckiest piggirl in the world to have you for a pigmom. It's pretty cool that the caps "popped off" with or without a little help. Once her hoofies stop being sensitive, she'll feel like a new little lady, won't she!

  35. Now that's entertainment! So glad Wy is back up and running ... so to speak.

  36. Whew! (I was worried.) I'm so glad it was an easy fix. I know you are, too! Smooches for Princess Wy.

  37. You are a great mom!! Those are incredible. I learn new things here on this blog :)

  38. Tarter. It's always tarter. oOing to the dentist myself tomorrow. I'll try to go with as good an attitude as Wynonna.

    Glad she's still breaking records and hearts!
