Friday, June 16, 2017

Weather observations

  1. This is the only picture I've taken all week because being outside is torture and I'd have to clean the house before taking any pictures inside and it's been way too hot for that, so no pictures = no blog posts.
  2. I turned on the air conditioner today to make sure it works. It does! (Rodents have been known to chew up the wiring during the winter.) So we're ready for the predicted weekend heat wave.
  3. If I had to choose between a day above 100 and a day below zero, I'd take the day below zero.


  1. Add to that 99.9999% humidity. You can't even breathe. I am so with you on preferring cold over hot. You can always add layers...there's only so much you can do with hot. Umbrella drinks come to mind...and it might be time to float in the shade...maybe not at the same time. Or maybe...feeling your misery, and sharing your pain. Those kiddie pools have merit here.

  2. It's miserable here too ... not even summertime and I'm so over it already!

  3. The swing from 51 to 101 would kill me. No way to adjust, but I'd prefer the dry heat to we are having here in NC. 96 degree with 70% humidity. Go outside and start swimming in sweat.

    Emily in NC

  4. We've had mild, non-traditional weather in Mississippi the entire winter, spring, and the beginning of summer. I fear we're about to pay for that, however. The temps have begun to soar here as well :( The humidity is ridiculous...multiple showers per day will be in order...and that's if you stay inside most of the day :( Stay cool (inside the house with the ac) as much as you can!

  5. Me in NC too & I agree a million % with Emily! Cold, right, you can bundle up & do stuff, then have a hot toddy in front of the fire. Heat, uuuhhh, flat out in the shade is about it, or crank up the a/c. You have some incredible stats, there, though. That is not a gentle part of the world.

  6. The Silver City area has milder weather.

  7. We've had two heat waves in NE and its not even summer yet. I'd much prefer to add another sweater than sweat.

  8. Northern AB gal6/16/17, 7:10 AM

    There are times I curse our northern winters but I will gladly take freezing temps over 90+ heat. I wouldn't be outside in those temps either! Do you have fans and sprinklers for the animals when it gets that hot? What does it cool down to overnight?

  9. How do you like your weather station? Where do you place your wind and rain instruments?

    1. I love it. The gauges are on top of a pole out near the driveway - it's wireless.

  10. Good to see you are still alive. . . the last post had that snake-in-a-can in your truck headed to town.

  11. It's all about perspective :) I live in ND and I would rather have the 100 degree weather than the below zero with 30 mph winds! Stay cool!

  12. Would you recommend your Acurite weather station?
    I completely agree with preferring below zero to 100+.

    1. The Acurite gets two thumbs up from me. I'll do a post about it next week.

  13. It is easier to put on more than take off anymore than the birthday suit. I suppose, when it gets below zero we'd be crying for warmer weather and take the 100s.

    Linda D.
    Tucson, AZ

  14. Give me cold weather any day. It's 107 here at the moment...supposed to hit 117 in the next few days. ugh. We don't cool down as much as you do though. We're lucky to get in the 70's at night. I'm currently negotiating with hubby as to where we are heading for our retirement.

  15. Northern California seeing same heat wave. Supposed to be 109 on Sunday. I will be at my community pool.

  16. yes, I agree witht he other comments, the problem with extreme wheather is when it lasts, over or below are both terrible to endure when it is more than a few days. And I will add that any wheather is abnormal when longlasting (being Belgian I remember our holidays beig spent 30 days undder the rain, it drives you mad

  17. oh by the way, Linda, we don't need a new picture each day, you can post any picture of one of your animmals but it is true that when you don't post I can't but feel worried about how you are, I know it sounds pretty stupid but it's true.I think you should give us your phone number so we could skipe you to check!!! (no joking!!!! laughing alone!)

  18. You can always put more clothing on, you can only take so much off. At 95 or more degrees, the only thing that makes it better is a pool in the shade or an air conditioner.

  19. An American in Tokyo6/18/17, 6:34 PM

    The difference between night and day temperatures is crazy!
    I would be like you, just stay in the house as much as possible.

    I am starting to like summer here, but the almost 100% humidity usually kills me. I am a little better at tolerating dry heat, but my preference would be colder temps like you. ;)
