Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Johnny is still on the fence regarding Smooch

It was Saturday afternoon. I took a break from pulling goatheads to watch Smooch stalk lizards in the jungle. 

I looked behind me to find someone watching me watch Smooch.

Johnny: Her side of the fence looks more exciting than mine.

Johnny: I think I can...I think I can...

Johnny: I hope I can...I hope I can...

Johnny: That wasn't so bad.

Johnny: Now that I'm up here, which way should I go? 

Johnny's tail pointed him due north toward me. And Smooch.

Johnny: Nice doggie.

Johnny: I take that back.

Johnny: Teach that dog some manners.


  1. It's just as well that they had their first meeting with you present. :-o

  2. What fun for Smooch!

  3. thanks for my morning laugh... awesome shots of Johnny

  4. I can't remember if Smooch befriended Deets. I know she lived with your other cats in the house. I guess she is just protecting you. Cats always amaze me with their ability to jump so high and walk a thin line. I have a 7ft fence around my garden and the neighborhood cats jump from the ground up. I plant catnip for them. I always have cat visitors.
    Best always,

  5. I'm surprised Smooch didn't lose a toe! Dogs will be dogs!

  6. My hope for those two funny critters is that they find a peace in the future that both of them can abide by.
    With the new kitten here at Casa de Cuckoo, no one has peace, personal space but rather, when it is kitten time it just is. And that includes Ellie Mae who is so patient and easy going with the cats....I think she secretly considers herself of that ilk. Oma Linda

  7. Johnny Cat has great personality and so very photogenic! Reminds me a lot of Deets.....I hope he and Smooch do become friends.

  8. Johnny is such a handsome and trusting fellow. I hope he and Smooch can come to an understanding.

  9. oh his look at you in the last pix! so speaking! he so dearly wants your company

  10. He is a really cute orange cat. Does he let you pet him and where is his new place to sleep ?

  11. I see that there are no raised hackles, so I think it is just a matter of time and space. Soon they, too, will be playing chase.

  12. Cats amaze me with their agility. That shot of Johnny clutching the fence rail is priceless - not so much fun for him, though. I do hope the two of them can get a long. They would make a fabulous pair.

  13. Hi there! We learned of your blog from Taryn over at A Tail of Two Cardis and have been enjoying your posts! Read your Fairy Tale series and admire you for making the leap that most of us wouldn't have the nerve to do. Thanks for sharing your stories and critters.

    Susan and Wrigs

  14. Brave but not foolhardy. Good for him.

  15. I'm with Johnny! Smooch, be nice to kitty or he'll take off and you'll have to be the resident rat-catcher. Which, of course, means a reduction in your regular meals.

  16. Oh, what a hoot! Your commentary is spot-on,too :)


  17. Aw! Poor Johnny learned how to do the famous internet meme "monorail cat" the hard way!
