Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lucy snitches on George

Lucy caught George and Alan in deep conversation and naturally had to butt in.

Lucy: What were you talking about?

George: We were making plans.
Lucy: Plans for what?

George: *whisper*whisper*whisper*

Lucy: Are you kidding me!? You'll never get away with it.

Lucy: I'm telling mom.

George: What a snitch. I knew she couldn't keep a secret.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAH! Thanks for my morning chuckle...as always!

  2. I never tire of seeing these guys. If they run out of chit chats this week bring em round to meet the tortoises ...they be braying about that a bit :)

  3. I never tire of seeing these guys. If they run out of chit chats this week bring em round to meet the tortoises ...they be braying about that a bit :)

  4. You know my big sister was just like that.....told her a secret and the next thing you know Mom's on the case....sheesh.

  5. Well, has she told you yet? Carson, you have the most perfect way of captioning your fascinating photos!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. Never tell secrets to a Donk thats a tattletail! Anybody ought to know that!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  7. What a job Lucy has... keeping these boys straight. It's fun to see a crinkly nosed giggle from her.

  8. ha ha you give me smiling eyes. I feel Lucy needs a girlfriend to keep her company!
