Friday, September 28, 2012

The Princess and the Palace

Two weeks ago tonight, I transported Wynonna's newly constructed pig palace 
from the garage to the barn, not without a good bit of effort and ingenuity I might add.

She was less than impressed, ingrate that she can be.

I filled it with the bedding from her pigloo, added her favorite sleeping bag, piped in a few lullabyes...

You can lead a pig to a palace but you can't make her sleep in it.

The past few days, I've put her post-breakfast and dinner treats in the farthest reaches of the pig palace, 
hoping she'll walk in and realize how comfortable it could be if she would just give it a chance.

She grabs the treat, then backs out with a disgruntled look and wood shavings on her whiskers.

For now, she'd rather bury her head in her sleeping bag and ignore her new home.
I'm trying not to take it personally and hope that her guard will drop with the temperatures.


  1. She's quite a PICKY PIG!!!

  2. Now that does have to be frustrating after all your hard work and good intentions!

  3. Oh Wynonna, you are just too funny and indeed a princess. Perhaps a few pictures on the wall, her name above the entrance in blinking lights...

    I love that she gets the treats and backs out to show her displeasure. A very opinionated girl. I'm sure she'll love it once the weather turns colder.

  4. Did you consult the Princess about the color scheme?

  5. that is the cutest face EVER... and i like the Picky Pig comment, she is adorable.

  6. That is so funny she won't go in it but I bet when it is freezing out she will be happy inside. Looks like you did a good job building it. Maybe she wants her name plate on it.

  7. After all this time I've finally fallen for the Princess. I love that she has that extra room next to her palace where she gets cozy.

  8. You just can't put a round pig in a rectangular hole.

  9. Perhaps she's originally from Virginia, where we are genetically incapable of accepting change. (How many Virginians does it take to change a lightbulb? THREE. One to change the bulb and two to reminisce about how great the old bulb was.)

  10. Carol in N. Colorado9/28/12, 7:50 AM

    I bet when the temperatures start dropping and she is wanting warmth, she will go in. She is so cute, I just want to scratch her all over.

  11. Picky picky picky pig eh! ;-) when the temp drops and I sure she will enter the palace.....or maybe she is running an advertisment in the local paper to rent it out to earn some extra income ;D

  12. What an adorable brat. Ms. W is sorta set in her ways huh? I'm with CeeCee on this...round pig, round hole no more.

  13. Too funny CeeCee!


    I absolutely love that last picture!

  14. She doesn't like all the activity about it. She will use it in her own time, I feel sure. Just ignore her but keep putting her food in there.


  15. I love the new abode. But isn't there a safety concern if you have to transport her somewhere? Before she slept in her carrier so it was easy to close everything up with her inside and whisk her off.

  16. She doesn't appreciate all your hard work yet ... maybe when it gets cold she will change her mind.

  17. Poor Wynonna. Change is hard. She looks positively PUT OUT. Hopefully cold weather will turn that porcine princess pout into a thank you.

    Maybe if you turned it so the light didn't shine in the door? (Put the back of it to the left wall) She seems to like thinking she's hidden. The last picture is too funny. She DOESN'T CARE that the sleeping bag makes her butt look big.

  18. Maybe she wants a sunroof in it? And some wheels on it?'

  19. LOL We used to have a PB Pig and a Pygmy goat, together.
    Every time I added something new or moved their pen, it took 3 weeks or more before they would finally settle down and accept it! LOL

  20. Ah, yes. Potbellied Princesses can be very pig-headed when it comes to accepting change, especially when it concerns their bed!
