It was Thursday afternoon, around 4:15, and Wynonna was on the front porch waiting for her dinner. Then all hell broke loose. The skies opened up and sheets of rain started pouring down, along with lots and lots of hail. Before Wynonna had time to consider going back to the barn, the stream started flowing across her path. She was getting pummeled with hail and rain and I couldn't let her just stand there, so I tried to convince her to come inside. She wanted no part of it.

She walked around to the side of the house where she was protected somewhat from the storm, but I could see she was scared and confused. I was getting a little scared and confused myself.

My trench was working but how much more rain could it handle?

I ran to the garage and got my golf umbrella and did what any over-protective mom would do – sheltered my pig from the storm.

As we stood there watching the rain and hail come down, I could see that Hank and the burros were safe in the barn, so I wasn't worried about them. But I was concerned about the chickens. I left Wynonna with the umbrella and sloshed over to the other side of the house to check on the girls.

All three of them were standing together in the corner of the garden getting pounded by the storm. They could have gone in their coop or under the bench or in the bushes, but no, they just stood there drowning. I picked up one of them and took her drenched self into the coop. As I placed her in a nesting box, she fell over on her side, lifeless. WTF? I was stunned. But I had to go save the other two. I catch chicken #2 and run back to the coop. I placed her with still-lifeless chicken #1. I go catch chicken #3 and run back to the coop, where chicken #1 has risen from the dead and seems perfectly fine. I don't know if chickens can faint, but it sure seems like that's what had happened.
I went in the house to check on things. What a mess. I hadn't realized how much water had come through the door when I was trying to convince the princess to get out of the rain.

When all was said and done, the storm dumped 1.3" of rain in about 45 minutes, then the sun came out, along with a double rainbow. I let the girls out of their coop and all three seemed as perky as ever. Go figure.

The Fairy Hobmother is flitting about blogdom this summer granting wishes. If you're wishing for something in particular and tell me about it in a comment on this post, the Fairy Hobmother might visit you. I left a comment over at Snappy Di's blog when the Fairy Hobmother was visiting her, and wouldn't you know it? My wish was granted. The rains came, and so did a $50 gift card at amazon.com. Who knew this Fairy Hobmother guy was so powerful? He has assured me that he will visit somebody who leaves a comment on this post.
The Fairy Hobmother works for Appliances Online in the United Kingdom. I have no idea why he's granting wishes for readers of blogs in the United States, but who am I to question the marketing tactics of somebody who gives me a $50 gift card?
So go ahead...make a wish in the comments today and the Fairy Hobmother might visit you.
I think your chicken #1 is living proof that chickens do indeed faint. She must have been completely stressed out by the downpouring of rain. Funny. They probably would have enjoyed an umbrella too! Congrats on the Hobmother gift... I've already won one so do not choose me Fairy Hobmother. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe other night here in Alabama it rained and thundered the whole night. My lab/shepherd stayed up the whole nite and I've been thinking about trying the thundershirt for her. I would love it if this helped her:)
ReplyDeleteHA~with 5 horses and a pay freeze for the next two years and a board increase for the horses, I'd wish for a gift certificate at Country Supply so that I could stock up on fly masks and wormers!
ReplyDeleteI wish for farmland so I can start an animal rescue sanctuary!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish for improved conditions for the African refugees!
ReplyDeleteWow, I don't know what to say except... I'm always up for free stuff! Love your blog. I always read it first before I move on to the news and facebook.
ReplyDeleteI sure wish it would rain here! have the sprinkler going on my front yard right now, the backyard is just going to have to fend for itself!
ReplyDeleteI wish this country could get it's act back together again. I could go on and on but "nuff" said for this early morning.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I should wish for world peace, freedom from want and pain and a robust economy. Okay, okay, I do wish for that but as hard as we all try to make this happen, it's a slow process. Probably won't happen in our lifetime or the next few lifetimes. So, I selfishly wish for some new books for my Kindle. And a couple of books to hold in my hands while taking a bath.
ReplyDeleteA side from the usual wish this wonderful country's leaders would get their act together....I'd love to see Lucy again..as you know you are always welcome to visit Co. and the riding on the Grand Mesa is lovely this time of year. Hugs to the kids
ReplyDeleteI wish this wedding planning process I'm in the middle of would go much smoother... *sigh*. (Sorry to be a downer on this wonderful Saturday morning!)
ReplyDeleteI love how the chickens just went back to life as usual--there's a lesson there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be the fairy hobmother because that sounds like so much fun. Until then, I need a new iron and I have my eye on a rowenta on Amazon.
I wish the heat dome over Texas would go away.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could lose 100lbs, and win the lottery.
You are such a good Mama to those aminals!!
ReplyDeleteI wish to find the property of my dreams....and then have it be in my budget:)
I wished for a job after searching for 2 1/2 years and I got it two days ago!! I wished for good weather on my son's wedding day last Saturday and I got it then, too!! So my wishes have come true. But I would never say no to a gift from the Hobmother.
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout I wish for a fairy hobmother visit: I would love to upgrade my camera :)
ReplyDeleteI love this post.... especially the rainbow at the end. It is fun to see encore posts that I actually saw the original.... it makes me feel a part of things :)
I wish I had the adoption fee to take in 2 little donkeys from Longhopes in Colorado. If I had all the money in the world, that's what I'd do -- I'd be Noah's ark on earth, with a lot more than two of each kind.
ReplyDeleteWith starting to compete again I'd wish for a gift card to some sort of tack store so I can stock up on supplements and other essentials to help keep my horse in tip top shape! And I had a situation like that with my Heeler once, he was throwing up so I pushed him outside. He tipped over, stiff as a board and within a minute was perfectly fine again. Odd!!
ReplyDeleteYouTube Double Rainbow Guy's got nothing on you!
Wonderful story and pictures as usual. I wish for time and money to take just a short trip to your part of the world - just to live there for a short time.
ReplyDeleteI'm a daily lurker...I live in Las Vegas and I envy your rain! And your gorgeous spread, and Lucy. I love Lucy! heh heh.
ReplyDeleteI have 13 cats, so I wish for some cat food money!
I wonder if fainting chickens have the same condition as fainting goats - a genetic condition in which the muscles all spasm at once(not really fainting, but it does look like fainting). I think it is called mycotonic something.
ReplyDeleteAs for my wish, I wish our nations would get serious about putting puppy mills out of business and holding people accountable for animal care. I also wish for a new coffee pot as I just discovered a crack in mine this morning - help!
I would wish the rains would quit coming to our area of the country. We are way over average and it's only August.
ReplyDeleteI wish for a part-time job, for our economy to improve, for the morons in DC to get their collective heads out of their @@@, rain for those areas that need it and for everyone to have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm not asking for much. :-))
Do you remember which chicken it was that fainted? Could that "spell" be related to her unexpected death later in the year--some sort of neurological anomaly?
ReplyDeleteI wish for a new pair of Cavallo boots for my mare Kate--she's had such a great summer on the trails that she's worn her current pair out!
Those kinds of rain are so scary. I don't think you can figure out chickens. Congrats on your gift card. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThis is a super duper opportunity..thanks Hobmother. If I had a wish granted it would be for set of pots and pans that my grands could use. The ones I have are too heavy for their 7 and 11 year old arms. They do so love to cook. And it takes 2 of us to get the moving done. Thanks.... Oma Linda
ReplyDeleteMucha Mucha Amazon... Please
ReplyDeleteI love your views of all the critters which never fail to bring many smiles, giggles and laugh out louds from me! Thanks! I wish for a safe chicken run and coop for my Honey the Hen and Mr. Fox the rooster this winter.
ReplyDeleteI wish for a donation to the Doodlerescuecollectiveinc.org's fund for a rescued doodle who has hip displysia to get his operation and a new hip. Anything that helps would be appreciated. The doodle's name is Red.
ReplyDeletei wish the temp. would drop 20 degrees!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish the mice in our house would pack up and leave. We just moved into an old Adobe house. I try to be tolerant but cleaning up mouse turds on the kitchen counters every morning kinda ruins my good mood. There are so many other things that could be better for us now, but getting rid of the mice problem would make life a just bit easier and happier. Thanks for this fun opportunity to have a wish granted.
ReplyDeleteI would wish for jobs for my son and my granddaughter. My son is a builder but he will drive a truck or do other work. My granddaughter is a school teacher who is looking for an elementary position, her emphasis is math. The competition is fierce. I enjoy so much keeping up with her adventures. I feel like I really know all your "kids." Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteI wish for a Nook or Kindle or a gift certificate to a great tack store that has everything I need for my girls and of course something fun for me. Loved seeing Wynonna this morning.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have told you to bring those hens in the house and blow dry them. They love it. First, roll each up in a towel, like a chicken burrito. Then take them out one at a time and use your hair dryer. Presto!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I wish for myself is a juicer. I wish someone would just send me one so I could stop reading about them online and comparing models, trying to determine which one is best. By the time I figure it out, the veggies I need to juice will be gone. Actually, I wish someone would just tell me which one is best and I'll go buy it myself.
i wish someone could locate that rattle in my car that is driving (ha ha...get it? driving...) me insane!
ReplyDeleteFairy Hobmother- I wish that school would not be starting up on Monday so I could continue to spend my mornings reading blogs about fainting chickens and look at beautiful pictures of real live donkeys, and long for a couple of goats.
ReplyDeleteOne day Fairy Hobmother - in two and half years - I will be retired and I'll be blogging about MY animal farm :-}}}}
Your animal stories are fun and interesting. Had the chickens seen rain before? Maybe they thought the sky was falling. I'd faint too.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone would pull the weeds in my garden so I could sit under the tree and read a book. I love books.
So this is the spot where the rainbow ends! Wonderful post and you are a good barnyard mommy:)
ReplyDeleteI wish we could find the perfect house in our price range and be moved before first snowfall. This probably enters the world of fantasy...
ReplyDeleteI wish for less humidity and less mosquitoes for the rest of the summer. Love your site.
ReplyDeletelove the rainbow photo!!
ReplyDeletefairy hobmother can send me a giftcard to see a movie and get a huge tub of popcorn.with butter :)
I remember the original faiting chicken post. What a hoot! You are such a good mom and I would do the same for my animals too. Actually I do for the dogs. If it is raining out they know I will grab the umbrella and walk out with them to potty so they don't get wet. My husband thinks I am wierd. Wow! Who is this HobMother person with such a big heart? What a nice thing to do. Gosh there are so many wishes I could think of including world peace, rain, house to sell, but right now to me the most important would be a kidney donor match for me.
ReplyDeleteI wish for gentle rain and rainbows for all who need them, along with a moderation in the heat this summer.
ReplyDeletePS: I also wish I had told you about hypnotizing chickens. I learned this trick, while dating an AG student many years ago at Mid-TN State University. They used a ping-pong (table tennis) table in the hatchery with one end used as a "resting/hypnotizing" place and the other as an egg sorting table. It made life easier when they needed to treat or examine chickens. I really didn't believe it until I did it myself! Check out these links:
(Hopefully) from Princess Wynonna to Princess Leah http://www.princessleahdiaries.
I'd give my Hobmother gift to this family I only met through *their* wonderful blog about their little baby Leah in all her chubby cuteness facing "let's see, 60 plus days in the Intensive Care Unit and the rest on the "regular" floor at U.C.L.A. medical center, a car breaking down, an apartment on fire, etc. etc." They need stuff, and every little bit helps. Even if I don't win, I hope other MSN Fans will read her story and keep her in their thoughts. She's so damn cute with all that hair and those little goggles...
Oh Fairy Hobmother, I wish for an ipad and for my life to get back to normal.
ReplyDeleteFor all of us, I wish for a better economy, and more places to start hiring.
ReplyDeleteFor me, I'd love a new stove, where the temperature set is the actual temp in the oven and the pan drawer doesn't fall off its' tracks.
I wish for an end to this Texas drought...please Lord!
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and went back (and back and back) until I think I found its start. I'm so glad I did; I know about today's encore story. I love what your followers say,too; I feel I'm getting to know them as well as knowing you and totally enjoying every minute of it. For my wish, I'd like to have a bluebird house to try to get a nesting pair to visit my yard.
ReplyDeleteWow! I just wish for some of that rain here in West TX! Thanks for the new blogs to check out. Happy Trails!
ReplyDeleteI wish for one of those gift cards for the animal shelter I volunteer for: RBARI in Oakland NJ. One of their puppies just adopted me!
ReplyDeleteThis story was too funny ... fainting chickens! Who knew???
ReplyDelete(The Fairy Hobmother already gifted me, so I already got my wish!)
I'm partial to your pig. We have one also, Bud, who is nearly 18 and lives in a switching case under our deck.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could live without fear regardless of what going on or what's not going on!
I remember this post from last year - Wynonna looked so dejected. That was a great tip about the chicken burritos and blow drying ;)
ReplyDeleteA Fairy Hobmother on the loose in blogland - how exciting!!
I'd love help with travel costs that would get me and my horse up to our trainer's place for some much needed lessons - (gas is sky high here + it's a 3 1/2 hour drive from the hinterlands). My trainer could use the business too - she's facing foreclosure...
This is one of my all time favorite posts and I re-read it every couple of weeks to get a good laugh!
ReplyDeleteMy wish is that my foot will heal properly from being ran over by a car. I good very much so that I will be able to ride horses again and hike on the trails with my mom and dogs.
I had a rooster faint on me once. I thought he had died of fright. But then I about died of fright when he flapped up in my face and started squawking.
ReplyDeleteYou're so good to Wynonna.
I love monsoon season in New Mexico, but that looks a little excessive. :)
Fairy Hobmother - (that is a strange name, what does it mean?) you're so kind to be going out there touching people's lives in such a nice way. If I could wish for ANYthing, I'd wish for my good horse to be miraculously cured of his tendon injury. If I had to wish for something more tangible, I'd probably want a gift certificate to Amazon.com so I could get gifts for my kids and horses at the same time.
I wish we had more rain out here in Nowhere, Kansas, and that the high temp would be below 100! I wish my garden was still alive, not dead from the hot, dry summer. And I wish my son could find a job, cuz the rock star thing ain't workin yet! Oh, and I love Lucy!
ReplyDeleteI wish for rain for the desperately dry southern states and for consolation for the families of the lost Seals.
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting day you all had.
ReplyDeleteAnd if the Fairy Hobmother is visiting, the corgi crew here is wishing for a case of dog treats.
I wish I had a better job and I wish I could lose 100lbs...
ReplyDeleteLove your blog... keep it up!
My poor dog hates when it thunderstorms, she comes and just sits or lays right in front of me and does not move until the storm passes. I think it happened because of a plane ride.
ReplyDeleteMy wish would be for a donkey just like Lucy....
ReplyDeleteAnd if not that then....
A $50 dollar gift certificate to Amazon for more books (yeehaw) would be great!!!!!
I would wish for tougher animal cruelty laws, the FDA to knock it off, and a stick blender. I can't find mine and I've been looking for it for almost two years.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog.
ReplyDeleteI wish for some new books to read.