A pictorial re-enactment of a true-life event...

Mercifully, I discovered the error of my ways as I returned the wrong blue bottle to the cabinet and before I started the dishwasher. The customer service agent at the end of the Whirlpool hotline showed no mercy for my dilemma. She insisted the only way out of my big blue blunder was to schedule a service call. I told her I'd think about it and hung up.
I don't need no stinkin' service call to the middle of nowhere that will cost me more than the dishwasher itself ... and won't happen for weeks ... and I'll have to wash dishes by hand ... the horror! Nay, nay! I got myself into this mess and I will get myself out of it. How hard can it be to take apart a dishwasher?
We'll find out tomorrow in part two of this soap opera.
I cannot tell you how MANY times I reached for the wrong bottle, BUT, thank goodness, caught myself before dumping it in the wrong hole! Just a suggestion Carson ... put one blue bottle on one side of the cabinet and the other blue bottle on the other side. Works for me ... so far any!
ReplyDeletePart 2 of the 'soap opera' ... hahahaha!!!
ACK!!! sending sympathetic thoughts to you from Canada!!!!!! Try using a wet/shop vac to suck it out?
Theresa from Alberta
Oh no, that sounds like something I would do, 7MSN! I hope you can take care of the situation yourself and get 'er done!
ReplyDeleteThis would have been a Lucy episode. Have camera nearby.
ReplyDeleteA couple of guesses--try sucking out with straw or flushing with water till clear.
Can't wait to hear the ending.
I can't wait. I've taken a few dishwashers apart. I've even managed to put most of them back together.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you get big points for "soap opera." I'm pretty sure my brain is capable of no higher level of humor at this hour, so the pun is appreciated.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I look forward to the chronicle of your mechanical adventure. It's great to be self-sufficient to the point where you don't need to make service calls for most of that stuff.
Also wondering if any of the cats are going to try to help :)
The only thing worse than the wrong blue stuff is---the water will not fill. I hate, hate, hate washing dishes by hand. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteOh the horror of a broken dishwasher. I would go crazy without mine! Funny what happened though at least how you shared your catastrophe. I use LemiShine too! Was a PW tip.
ReplyDeleteIt's not as bad as it could have been if you'd run it, right? At least it's fixable.
ReplyDeleteDo wet/dry vacs have itty bitty attachments?
ReplyDeleteSuck it out and flush, flush, flush! Hope it works.
ReplyDeleteBoy, I'm glad you caught it or you'd be mopping up the kitchen. Does Smooch like bubbles. :)
ReplyDeleteI use LemiShine also. Bright yellow.
I'm sure by now you've already figured out a way out of this mess w/o calling a service man. As the Queen of broken/messed up appliances, let me say....DO NOT CALL THE SERVICE COMPANY if you can avoid it. By the time they're done, you could have bought a new dishwasher. :)
Sounds to me, Rancher Woman, like this will challenge your ingenuity. I vote for the Wet/Dry Vac before the telephone. I'll be checking back tomorrow to see if you are in counseling.
ReplyDeleteUm, I did this when I was a kid... There were suds, suds, and more suds, but everything turned out ok. My folks took the dishes and disk racks out of the dishwasher, and would stop it every so often and scoop the suds out into the sink. It took several cycles, but worked out just fine. Try to get as much of the soap out that you can before turning it on, and then stand by to scoop out suds!
ReplyDeleteOnly half tragic since you caught it before the run. We feel your pain. Yes, a service call to 7MSN would be costly and tantamount to allowing an invasion of Shangrila by blue meanies. I heard that Wynonna, no nevermind, she wasn't serious :>)
ReplyDeleteShe just really wanted to play Ethyl to your Lucy (without actually coming inside the house but perhaps wearing a hairnet and cute apron).
Good luck, can't wait to hear the happy outcome.
Oh geez, lol. I love your directions, amended, lmao!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how hard it is to take apart a dishwasher, but I can't wait to see!!
Others seem to be on the same page as me ... try flushing it out. I'm sure if it happened to us my husband would find a way to get all that liquid out before we made a service call.
ReplyDeleteYou're a resourceful person, Linda, and I'm sure you'll figure something out!
Those two should definitely be separated...although, think of all the plumbing experience you're getting.
ReplyDeleteP.S. How are the little chicklets doing?
I really have to go outside and feed. But I cannot, because I am ROFLMBO!! Good luck, dear!
ReplyDeleteUh oh. That can't be good! I have full faith in your abilities to fix this one, though. A minor speedbump in the life of a cowgirl...
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the time I put antifreeze in my car's windshield wiper thingie. A turkey baster to suck it out and ten flushes with water solved my problem.
ReplyDeleteMy hand was a bit cramped up from all the bastin' though.
No Datsuns were harmed in this incident.
Try the turkey baster that's hiding in the back of your junk drawer.
ReplyDeletepour some fabric softner in it and it will cut a lot of the soap. the door will probably come off and then take it out side and flush it out with a hose.
ReplyDeleteI was going to suggest turkey baster also. Remove as much straight detergent as you can, add a little water, remove that. Rinse and repeat until you think its safe to run the dishwasher.
ReplyDeleteI use the little packets of dishwashing detergent to eliminate the possibility of this kind of mistake.
I feel yer pain....but then, I found some dishwashing stuff that is made outta POWDER. You know, granules? Doesn't ever look like liquid so even me, without reading glasses, can mix it up. I know, that doesn't help now, but it might in the future?
ReplyDeleteDuh! I'd try to suction and flush it out. Maybe it won't make such a sudsy mess when you actually run it. I did this once ( without the suction and flush action beforehand) and it's not the most fun way to get a clean floor. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteA customer service call to Cascade might be in order to request their product be packaged in something UNIQUELY distinguishable from plastic bottles of dish detergent.
ReplyDeleteBut then, we wouldn't have this great blog post, would we?
Good luck, and thank you for all those good things you are doing that we don't know about.
I liked Marianne's idea- suck it out with a turkey baster. How does episode two of As The Dishwasher Spins end..... stay tuned.....
ReplyDeleteHAHA! Thanks for giving us a laugh at your expense. Similar bottles with similar products can lead to a quite a headache...but we have to be able to laugh, don't we. I say that from recent experience taking an ambien instead instead of my other medication in the morning before work. Try explaining that to your boss! But at least my issue was solved by a 3 hour nap....no suds or dishwasher dis-assembly required! Good luck and do keep us posted.