Wynonna's habit of waiting at the door for her supper began when she was just a piglet. Here she is with Willie and Waylon at the screen door of our old house. She was about three months old at the time, full of wide-eyed wonder. It wasn't long before she developed all her lovely facial folds and we lost sight of those eyes altogether.

Here she is with my dearly beloved Annie. She probably weighed about 20 pounds at the time. I have no idea what she weighs now. Every time I ask her, she just turns her head and scoffs.

I did a post awhile back about how to give a pig a pedicure, where I mentioned an earlier, ill-fated attempt to trim her hooves based on internet advice. It involved a six-pack of Corona. I came across this picture of the episode. Look closely and you'll see a slice of lime in the bottom of the bowl.

Unfortunately this is the last known photograph of Miss Wynonna bellying up to the bar, though there is rumor of a video called "Pigs Gone Wild" over on YouTube.
I love Wynonna. We fostered a PB pig, Pickles, We thought we'd keep her in with the poultry, which was OK until Pickles decided she wanted to check out the backyard and took the poultry fencing with her.
ReplyDeleteOMG! She is so cute!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a teen, we moved o a small farm in Aztec, NM. At the time; I wondered "How the H--LL did my Dad find this place??!!!" Now, I hope to move back near there somehow; somewhere nearby or in a similar set-up.(Maybe an inheritance; or the Lotto perhaps!) Anyhoo; I'm a New Mexico
girl tried and true, and only seem to be happy there; so I live a bit vicariously through you and your little loves.
Did I mention that we had a few pigs, goats and cows during that time? They were a great source of companionship and fun; as well as some frustration. I loved each and everyone of them--But that what happens when you are the person who feeds the livestock.
Needless to say; I would never have livestock again. As an adult I would only have family members in my "herd": like you've done.
Sorry so long.
Have a great week.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with all of us!
Oh my goodness, she was just the cutest little piglet ever! She is still my favorite pig though. I just love her face and her attitude. Say hello to her from her #1 fan.
ReplyDeleteAwww, thanks for sharing Wynonna's baby pictures...I was wondering who drank the Corona?!
ReplyDeleteShe IS the most adorable pig EVER!!!
ReplyDeleteI do want to hear about this hoof trimming experience, lol. That looks mighty interesting!!
Thanks for putting her up, especially her baby pic. LOVE those eyes. She makes me want to get a pig so badly!!
She is my favorite on your place, no doubt about it.
Thanks for sharing those! She was too precious. Why can't animals just stay babies forever!? ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute pig. I wish we would have had our pigs as babies.
ReplyDeleteYou really should try the pig flip to trim hooves. We are getting quite good at it and spend more time thinking about it, talking about it, and planning it then it actually takes doing it.
I love my pot-bellied girls and your Wynonna is a doll.
Now that was really cool seeing Wynonna 'growing up' through pictures. She's quite the special girl and I like her response to your asking the weight question ... HA, cracks me up!!!
ReplyDeleteShe was ADORABLE!!!
ReplyDelete~Southern Commander~
I adore her! You really must start an official fan club.
ReplyDeleteAnnie looks like a beautiful, sweet girl. I can hear your loss.
Too funny! She is an adorable pig, as a baby and now. I also want to hear the hoof trimming story!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see some of the baby book! She is just so cute....and waiting at the door for her food is just too much...sure brought a smile!
ReplyDeleteWynonna's Wednesday Wisdom...
ReplyDeleteOh...we're all just waiting for the weekly column!!
She's just too cute to keep in the closet Linda!!!
Oh my...Wynonna's little baby face is so sweet....I can't stand it. And all those faces looking in your window...sigh.
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny Wynonna won't tell you her weight. Such a pretty girl shouldn't be shy about a thing like that.
OMG!!! How did I ever miss this post????!!!
ReplyDeleteI will have to show the kidlets when they get home from school. :)
PS-Wynonna prefers to sip margaritas on the beach in Cabo...teeheehee!!!
There are several pigs at my barn, the most social is named Piggy Sue and she started out as a tiny thing and grew and grew and grew. They are such wonderful creatures.
ReplyDeleteHi there. Just found your blog. Love it! We have a lot of in common, looks like. On our little ranch in AZ we have 4 horses, 2 goats, 2 dogs, 7 bunnies and 4 chickens. We've found our paradise, sounds like you have as well. :)