
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

When social distancing does not apply

George and Alan have not grasped the concept of social distancing.

George thinks it means Alan has to keep his distance from me.

Alan thinks that's bullshit...

...and is not shy about expressing his feelings.

If distancing ourselves from our animals is ever recommended...

...just shoot me.


  1. Me Too! My mom asked what would we do if Maggie Mae got it, I said "then I guess we will all have it together". All the animal shelters are empty...they are the best medicine! Lisa G in TN

  2. don't tell Alan I said this, but the next to the last one looks like a CAMEL.. ha ha

  3. Made me laugh - thank you!!!!

  4. Alan!! Are you braying? I'd love to hear that!

  5. Me too! I absolutely love these photos. Alan and his nostrils and rolled tongue in full bray. :)

  6. Alan has the most expressive face!! I love his nostril flares. You certainly know what he's thinking. I noticed a couple of big birds in that last photo and a helicopter. We had a lot of black vultures in San Antonio. I told Dave that they should be the state bird. I hadn't thought much about them until I saw your picture. Maybe they're ravens. I remember you showing photos in the past with ravens in them. The helicopter, however, looks out of place out there 7 miles south of nowhere. I'm used to medical helicopters flying nearby because of a hospital a couple of miles away and a hospital with a trauma center not much further. If that's not a helicopter, it sure does a good job of disguising itself as one... I just hope it's not on a medical emergency run.

  7. Love those goofy boys. Your swallows are back!! /Gretchen

  8. Omg love me some big nose holes and big ole square teeth...suitable for framing, love!

    1. This is Ethel but then you already knew that :->

  9. Love those silly, loving boys. Alan is such a ham.

  10. Ha Ha! (Translation: He-ha!)

  11. This was the best post for a(nother) socially distanced day. I so love your animal family members, but especially Alan. Those nostrils!! Those whiskers! His expressiveness!! ❤️

  12. Love their fuzzy muzzles ! Give them a scratch for me!

  13. Hilarious photos and great commentary. So glad you are back to blogging...

  14. Our beautiful boys!!!! *weeping* How did I lose you all for so long? I guess it's because I use this Android phone and only use Bing, not Google as my search engine. Hug all of you for me please. Even with a mask on, you can do that. When Bonnie comes over (we're the "onlys") we LOL "hug butts". Her Vet clinic has a locked door and meets dogs and cats from parents who have called ahead or sit in the car with cellphones until the vet calls or brings the pet to the door.
    *Auntie Em*πŸ‘΅πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜Ί
