
Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas caroling with a Sock Monkey

We have my sister to thank blame for this one. She sent me a Sock Monkey. That sings Jingle Bells. Sort of. Squeeze his left hand and he breaks into song and wiggles around and makes me laugh so hard I can hardly stand it. Of course I had to introduce him to the whole herd. Here's what happened.

Thank you, sister, and Merry Christmas to you all.


  1. I laughed til I cried over this one! Whatta way to start my day!! Everyone's reactions were priceless and the sock monkey is definitely one happy dude.

    Merry Christmas to all at 7MSN and to your sister (and parents) too!

  2. Wowzers. I dunno if it's the snow or the fog, but you've clearly got a case of the winter crazies. And I mean this in a good way. We Northerners experience it annually, and we find a cure by standing on frozen bodies of water with a fishing jig in one hand and a beer in the other. Since you don't have frozen lakes, I fear your affliction may be around 'til spring.

  3. Perhaps it's time for a little trip into town. Just sayin'. Merry Christmas!

  4. Very funny. Love the entertainment you get from the herd. Have a great Christmas.

  5. Ripley, my black lab, heard it on my computer and let out a howl! Oh, my! Guess she didn't like the monkey!

  6. Thank you for that...I needed the chuckles this morning. I think 'everybody' looks slightly amused, but also concerned, that maybe Mama has lost her marbles! Actually, I think there is a glimmer of appreciation in all of their faces for the effort you made in wanting to entertain them! Love it...and I'm sure I'll be watching this throughout the day, just to keep things in perspective amidst all the craziness. Merry Christmas to you, and please send Christmas smooches to all of your babies!

  7. If I was one of the chickens I would not lay an egg for a week eh! ;D
    too silly....

  8. Just so wonderful! Thank you for the early morning laugh!

    A very Merry Christmas to the whole 7MSN gang!

  9. I am sitting at my kitchen counter snorting coffee out of my nose from laughing at this!
    I LOVE IT! And i love you and all your critters who bring such joy to the world!

  10. I will never listen to Jingles Bells in quite the same way again!

    Cute video!

  11. HAHA!

    I need to find one of these for myself! This video made my day!

    Happy Holidays!

  12. Thanks for making me laugh this morning:) I really needed it!

  13. Thank God I'm the only one in the office today - I'm LMAO. Possibly your best post ever (especially Hank's reactions. O.k., and Smooch's. And the cats) Merry Christmas,7MSN Ranchers!

  14. What a hoot! Thanks & Happy Trails!

  15. When I saw this little guy at Target - and he stopped another lady and I in our tracks as we stood there hysterically laughing and almost peeing our pants in the store -- I just knew you and the herd would love him. I had no idea how fun (and annoying) he would be. HAPPY HAPPY!

  16. Holmes and Nola put front paws on my keyboard tray so they could see. Two things happened -- they jumped down and they ran out the dog door. They do not want me to get one of those sock monkeys. However, all of us At Elyan wish you and your gang the merriest Christmas.

  17. I think it's safe to say that George is bombproof! LOL!!

    Happiest of holidays to all you 7MSNers!!

  18. Loved it. You had me laughing out loud Carson.

  19. All of that is just laugh-out-loud funny and the looks on the kids' faces is just priceless! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to you and the Gang! I look forward to so many more laughs from the 7MSN Ranch throughout the New Year!

  20. Okay, that was pretty funny :-D.

  21. Estella from Co.12/23/11, 7:57 AM

    Ditto....I almost had coffee coming out of my nose (what a site) funny. You sure know how to liven things up at The 7MSN. What a hoot! Have a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to another year of laughs. Hugs to kids for me

  22. Carol in Colorado12/23/11, 8:01 AM

    That is one drunk monkey as he can sit upright for long. LOL I lost it when Hank snorted at the sock monkey. Rosebud is right, she sings better. Poor Smooch didn't know what to think about it. The video is priceless!! Thanks for laugh this morning.

    I see you missed out on the big snow storm.

  23. Looks like the new addition to your family will need a saddle - or at least a seat belt - before he can ride along with you.
    I hope we see many more adventures of Sock Monkey at 7MSN ranch. Thanks for the laugh.

  24. Merry Christmas!! From all of us at the Katnip Lounge...I am SO happy to know that there's a crazypantser person than me!

  25. You got some guttural laughs out of me on that one. I was thinking about how my horses would be snorting and stampeding to get away from it too.

  26. MY favorite reaction was from Hank - it tells it all! Too funny - !!!

  27. Carson, you have a special gift for getting the maximum possible amount of fun from the most random things - donkey cones, singing sock monkeys, etc.

    Smooch's expression was priceless!

    Thanks for the laugh and Merry Christmas to you and the whole gang!

  28. Thank you, and thank heavens I, too, am the only person at work today!

    Happiest Holidays to you and all of the crew at 7MSN.

  29. Smooch looks like she's going to have nightmares about crazy monkeys. You have such crazy fun with your animals. Enjoy your Christmas at the ranch.

  30. Thank you for starting the day with tears of laughter. Merry Christmas to you and the gang!

  31. Thanks for the early morning laugh! How classic!
    Your sister must be a hoot!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours~

  32. Oh. Love hank's snort at it! My Pug would have ripped that monkey in half!
    We hope you and your herd have a great Christmas. Send some snow my way. We should have 3 feet by now but there is nothing here in Upstate NY.
    Jenny and Josie (she's the spotted draft in front)

  33. OMG I about peed my pants! That was wonderful and my co-workers are wondering what is so funny!

  34. First time visiting your blog. The sock monkey caught my attention on Annette's blog. I am really glad that I stopped by, because this was adorably hilarious. I especially liked how you kept the sock monkey in the picture and chuckled when it fell. Thanks for an unusual and amusing holiday post!

    I think the donkeys won!

  35. As I laughed, Sam howled and jumped through the entire segment. I guess he just wanted to sing and dance along. Merry Christmas to all of our friends at 7MSN. Talk to ya next year!

  36. I laughed so hard I had to watch it twice. OMG, that's messed up.

  37. Absolutely the best Christmas video I've ever seen. Hank spooked from the monkey but he came back for a second round. I loved every minute of this video. Thanks for making my Christmas full of happiness and good cheer. Great fun!
    Best always, Sandra

  38. I laughed so hard my face hurts!!! I need one of those!!! That "monkey screeching" through the song is too much! LOL

  39. Hysterical! I thought Winona looked like she was getting ready to chow down on the monkey!

  40. Merry Christmas to you and your out-and indoor family!

    What a funny monkey... looks like Smooch is looking forward for the battery getting empty.

  41. I think Wynnona was wondering if Sock Monkey tasted better than he sang... busted a gut on this post Carson. :)

    A very merry Christmas to you and the rest of the gang at 7MSN - and a happy, healthy New Year to you all.

    (PS - Will Sock Monkey show up on the holiday header?!)

  42. I think I have to agree with Clara. Merry Christmas to you and your herd! :)

  43. I checked back in to see if you put anything in your Twitter feed about the snow. I've been hearing all day about the snow in New Mexico and thought about you. I hope it doesn't totally ruin your Christmas. Since you're south of nowhere, the world doesn't get news of your specific area so we don't know how bad it is for you. Good luck. I see the sock monkey made the holiday header. CUTE. I love how your gang responded to it. What a hoot!

  44. Absolutely hilarious! Poor Hank!

    Nancy in Iowa

  45. Thats a riot, love it when Hank spooked! Hes not impressed with singing monkeys! Have a great day Carson and after Christmas I think you need a break with some other 2 leggers!

  46. Sorry I am a little late here. OMG that is histerical! What fun and I couldn't stop giggling all the way through it.

  47. Hank's snort was hysterical! (sorry to be mia, I was sick)

    Merry, merry!

    Thanks for the joy all year.
