
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Feelin' the love

I've mentioned a couple of times over the years that my parents are daily lurkers readers of this blog. While they enjoy the pictures and stories and catching up on the day-to-day adventures of their daughter and four-legged grandchildren, what they enjoy the most is reading your comments. Well, yesterday, you all just sent them right over the top.

My phone rang around 5 p.m. I saw on the caller ID that it was Dad, which was not a good thing because we had just had our weekly call the day before. When your parents are getting up there in years, phone calls outside the regular schedule are cause for alarm. The first thing Mom says is, "I'm exhausted." Mom, what's wrong? "It took so long to get through all those comments! We even missed watching the evening news. Your poor dad...he just kept reading and reading..." (Dad reads the comments aloud to Mom...all that small computer type is hard to see, you know.) Anyway, they were both so tickled by all the wonderful things you all had to say that they had to call and share. So thank you for making their day...and mine, too!

There's still time to enter the getting-to-know-you contest and giveaway. Click here to read about it and enter.

Meantime, I will leave you with this encore post from June 2008, when Mom and Dad came to the 7MSN and met George and Alan for the first time.


My parents were visiting the 7MSN last week and got to meet George and Alan up close and personal.

George dished out an abundant supply of hugs...

...and Alan got in on the action, too. What a brave little burro he has become.

But Alan still has a shy streak, and this picture of him peeking out from the middle of the frame just cracks me up.


  1. That is just too cool that your folks got such a kick out of the comments yesterday! What a wonderful way for them to keep up-to-date on the happenings at 7MSN. A BIG hello to them from Pat in east TN.

  2. You must be feelin the love too. I think it's wonderful that your parents keep up with your blog and can be in touch with you this way. This sweet post says a lot about how much they love you. And the old post, with those dear pictures, it's a heartwarming thing to wake up to.

  3. Had I known your folks were lurking, I'd have said howdy — HOWDY, Mom & Dad!

  4. It looks like you had a nice visit, and the boys were on their best behavior. It's nice that your parents can keep an eye on you from far away.

  5. I love the picture of George and your mother. How adorable.

  6. Your parents are adorable!

  7. OOPS I forgot to say "Hi MOM and DAD"

  8. What cute pictures of your mom and dad with George and Allan! My family doesn't read any of my blogs (fortunately!)...I can say whatever I want about them and they wouldn't even know! I may try that tomorrow! Yes, "Good morning!" to your mom and dad!

  9. Hello 7MSN's Mom and Dad!!!!! waving from Canada eh ;-)

  10. G'day form Australia Mum and Dad! Great pics of grand kid hugs:-)

  11. Awww, such lovely pictures of your children and their grandparents with warm hugs!

  12. I can't get over how sweet those photos are of the boys with your mom and dad. I'd forgotten them.
    It's so nice that your folks get to share almost every day with you, via your blog.

  13. Linda, you must feel so proud....

    hope that the rain continues to come for you all

  14. Love Alan peeking... that's so funny.

    Dear Dad, locate on your computer where to enlarge. If you are on a Mac, go up top to VIEW and then scoll down to ZOOM... makes a big difference... I use it. Not sure how to do it if you are on a Windows PC though.

  15. that was so nice that mom and dad came to visit! they need to come back to meet Lucy!

  16. Carol in Colo7/30/11, 8:41 AM

    Hi Mom and Dad from Northern Colorado.

    It's so cool that you can keep on eye on the going ons at 7MSN.

    If you are on a PC, control(bottom left on keyboard)and the plus sign will help to enlarge the print.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  17. Good Morning to 7MSN Mom and Dad. How sweet that you can keep up with your daughter and grandanimals in this special way.
    Love the photos, sweet donkey hugs and the peek a boo donk.
    Carson, what delight to have your parents be able to see how much you and your herd mean to so many folks.

  18. HI!! GLAD to meet YOU Mom and Dad! I am soOOOOOo jealous of you two getting to LOVE on those SWEETHEARTS at 7MSN!! Have a Happy Week-end and try to visit Linda soon!!

  19. Hi Mom and Dad! I'm jealous you got to meet the boys. George looks so sweet with Mom.

  20. Hi Mom and Dad 4MSN! You must be very proud of your daughter and grandanimals.

  21. Mom & Dad:
    Please request that your dearest daughter send you a large monitor so you can comfortably read all the comments.

    I'm an addict of and would love to read your stories. Please share.

  22. Hi Mom and Dad!! Gosh it's like one big family in here!! Love these pictures, love your daughter (and her crazy critters), love you both!! AZ is full of love today!!

  23. I bet those are some of your favorite pictures. Enjoy your weekend.

  24. LOL that is so sweet!!! MY Mom reads my blog too (dont know about Dad) I always get a "You havnt posted in awhile" when I have been slow, LOL.
    Hi Carson's Mom and Dad!! (waving)

  25. Hello mom and dad - from Canada

  26. This post popped up as a recommended read at the bottom of your blog today. I love seeing pics of your dad and mom at 7MSN!
    That shot of your dad looks like he's compiling a mental list of all the ranch taks he can tackle while he's there! :-)
